the seeker's guide to twisted taverns anyflip

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personal endeavors. Preston is a metalworkopinion of Lady Gammons intellect. Tall and shapely, with long black hair all bar and attack. Hammond Axman After purchasing his title he went straight, which is to say he only operates lucrative and distant schemes, some of which include blackHammond Axman is a cunning human man, who spends market dealings, bootlegging, seeding slave markets, and financinghis time gambling and cheating other guests. locked with unique locks that Admindium has the keys toThe entirety of this floor seems much more advanced and on its keyring. The small bedroom is most often used of comfortable deck chairs and small tables are scatteredby children, retainers, or servants. It will for potion creation. Darus originally he looks, people tend to underestimate him. The Dealers are to stir up to 5 gallons of a liquid causes the liquid to boil unable to speak consciously, but will respond to inquiries (if possible). A DC 14 Investigation or Nature check will reveal that they have entered the first stomach of The Wildaback. The intact and active stone golems are located in the Qinlar is oddly observant and occasionally blunt, able following locations:to pick up on incredibly minor details about visitors, One on either side of the Main Stage (A3)such as their relationships or injuries. Another valve-likeThe Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 47Wildaback Tavern The Tavern Guests Emed Rimak Chaska Emed is a shy young male human acolyte. He has invested all of his considerable and will quickly kiss him (depositing the poison via her (inherited) fortune into the train and considers the staff lipstick, which contains a slow acting Oil of Taggit poison to be the family he never had, as he has never married. Alternatively, you can play through its combination of quests anda murder mystery event using the NPCs provided. Ever-burning up to the rooftop garden terrace. 1d4 Otter 0Further investigation will reveal a periapt of health caught in the reeds on the ponds edge. A heavy silk curtain, held on either side by large humanoid statues, is rigged to drop to mark the opening and closing of performances. This taven works best in a highmagic setting, and is best placed either in a large town, in a city, or at a frequently used crossroads. wizard, and a wooden stick that it believes is a wand. She mostly stays in her room in theRuby Sleeper Car and takes her meals there as well. The Abomasum is roughly the same size as the Omasum(E3). If players enter and help the guardians, there is a 50% chance that one of the guardians will become bound to a random player instead of the rift. Prim AKA KnucklesTrail Seeker RulesThe Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 25THE TAVERN OPERATORS Brandr Fintan The staff of the Rail-Away come from across the land but Brandr Fintan is a human male nearing the end of hishave managed to form the close-knit bonds of a found family. Pinned to the back of the painting is a scroll of sending. Lady Gammon leaves to sleep in the small room of their car. When manifest- consumed on the property, but are confiscated by the ing the fog, use the Ethereal Guardian stat block. 3d4 Swarms N/A of Bats 6 3 Strangely, after walking for some time, you appear to be back where you started, at the base of the tavern. This book is primarily designed for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, but also functions as a huge collection of inspiring rooms, characters and more! her own alibi by snoring loudly in her bedroom. At the end of thehallway is an ornate wooden door (D4) that stands out The Desk. 2d10 500 gp stones 1d20 1,000 gp stones A recently swallowed family of 3 (1d6) very confused E4. If a creature consumes this, their move- locked metal door. spoken languages. He makes guests they activate, end the fight, and hold the fightersregular rounds, but he can usually be found at the guest to be questioned by Kem, Qinlar, or Sami. He wears very simple clothing and will only speak if spoken to, neverRimak is a male high elf bard currently posing as a wealthy volunteering to start a conversation. 4. abundant plants grow in large rectangular planter beds made of carved stone, including some square planters A marble-topped table containing fruit trees such as pomegranate and breadfruit.sits in the center of theroom and is cool to touch, Nora Treeforge, the gardener, keeps everything healthymaking it perfect for and pruned and is always looking for new seeds to add totempering chocolate dishes. Ulrich made a pact are covered with star patterns. Esthene climbs a ladder from her room to the roof, and makes her way to the Observation Car. He attempts multiple times to get Lord rest. The rest of the walls are covered inThe walls are lined with shelves that contain Samis bookshelves which, in turn, are full of books both rare andfavorite relics and other artifacts the two of them have mundane. ornately carved wooden desk, however, is the focal point in the center of the room. Inside is a bag of holding thattravels. Once the area to win a gamble three times in a row, rewarding them 25is open, he will head toward the Cosmovect (D5) and gold pieces if they succeed.spend the rest of his time inside that chamber. and Sami have accumulated over the years.D2. After the player rolls their chosen statistics of a shield guardian, with the following changes: The guardians are bound to the rifting instead of an amulet.12 Instead of spell storing, the guardians can cast banishment once per day. 33RAIL-AWAY A well-dressed nobleman, his wife, and their goblin servant are struggling with their mount, who is refusing EVENTS to board the livestock carriage. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end ofeach of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The 800 pounds. Hellguests to enjoy watching Somen Gilrona, the halfling always be somewhere near a bottle of whiskey, and takeschef, prepare their food. It says, inDwarvish, Dont forget! A number of things happenmenace, they should be able to revive Brandr, who will that first day, which may or may not be directly observedask for his ring back so he can get the train running by the player characters, but can be learned by speakingagain. Prim can beDretin Dalmura found on any carriage of the Rail-Away, as she makes con- tinuous rounds. A creature wielding the ladle can use it as a catches a creature cheating at one of the games, it will magical improvised weapon that deals 1d6 bludgeoning alert the Ethereal Guardian to move a portion of itself damage plus 1d4 acid damage. 1 +2 Dagger 2 +2 Longsword-After this has been encountered more than once, reroll on a 5. The Gold Coin Raivo behind the bar is, in fact, what immediately draws anyones eye the first time they enter The Copper Penny,The gaming car is called The Gold Coin, and aptly so; as his flaming hair is impossible to ignore.many a coin is lost and won here on any given day on boththe card and dice tables. He can be found anywherelength dark hair, dark eyes, and golden toned skin. At the end of the Hallway is a magical commoner. The wizards built this room to contain any below. she took before (again witnessed by Ryman Thorn). If a Dealer steel ladle. He hasfake, as is everything about him other than his haughty attitude.) The effect canLarge aberration, lawful evil penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone,Armor Class: 18 (natural armor) 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. (Esthene Moonshadow). The Ethereal Guardian makes two crush attacks. plants, which adds to the greenhouse atmosphere and lends a sense of privacy for late-night assignations. target. When settling the Quest Board section.disputes, it will communicate telepathically with a calm If a guest orders a meal that includesand soothing voice, urging guests to deal with their issues ingredients not readily available atoutside. Experienced Hunters Needed Immediately! A flock of ducks float upon it and you see fish darting to 1d8 Ducks 0 and fro. Once the train leaves the station, the player characters may interact with any of the passengers or staff on board If the party successfully contains or destroys the as normal, take quests, etc. If engaged inMain Hall (A2), where he likes to sit near the Kitchen (A4). The hatch through which the players 3d8 100 gp stonesentered can no longer be seen. It is unclear how long Roll 1d4 to determine type:it has been there, but the edge of metal that can be seen below the hilt is still gleaming and rust-free. Puffs of smoke come out of the chim- Emit W. Saps N/A ney. If theincludes a bedroll and baggage. If guests are caught sending a cloud of bubbles into the air. He created most of the drinks on the tavernbe found at nearly any time of night or day in the Rooftop menu, and enjoys when patrons know this.Terraced Garden (B1), though she periodically takes catnaps with her pseudodragon in the Cosmotarius (B2).

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