the law of war requires humane treatment for military

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[See in particular the LOAC protections provided in Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, in addition to Articles 51, 52, 53 and 75 of Additional Protocol I governing International conflict, and Articles 4, 13, 16 and 17 of Additional Protocol II governing Non-International conflict.]. disturbances and tensions such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence, or other acts of a similar nature, e.g. Reuters. Germany signed the Convention of 1929, however, that didnt prevent them from carrying out horrific acts on and off the battlefield and within their military prison camps and civilian concentration camps during World War II. That view was reinforced by his boasting and his behavior, intended to persuade his own people and his neighbors of that success. [13] Derbyshire, 149.335 Introduction to LOAC, in Section One: Introduction to LOAC and Historical Development, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, op. In the territory of a High Contracting Party [State] between its armed forces and dissident armed forces or other organized armed groups which, under responsible command, exercise such control over a part of its territory as to enable them to carry out sustained and concerted military operations and to implement this Protocol. But as the years went by, Saddam became much more aggressive in limiting the reach of the inspectors, and the inspections for all practical purposes ended in 1998. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a . Under this body of International Humanitarian Law for the conduct of war, known as the LOAC, This means that ratified laws of the LOAC must be applied and adhered to by the nations armed forces, The duty to obey the LOAC is so forceful that it demands obedience even to the extent of disobeying national superior orders that are perceived to be. I had asked the most senior legal officers in the U.S. government to review the interrogation methods, and they had assured me they did not constitute torture. Humane Treatment (GPW, Art. Former President George W. Bush explains the rationale of his decision to adopt the enhanced interrogation techniques in his presidential memoir of his term from 2000-2008, stating: At my direction, Department of Justice and CIA lawyers conducted a careful legal review. This means that ratified laws of the LOAC must be applied and adhered to by the nations armed forces at all times during peacetime, during war, and during all the various stages of the war spectrum in-between these conflict poles, ranging from non-kinetic and non-traditional peacekeeping operations, at one end of the spectrum, to overtly kinetic, offensive warfare operations, on the other. Geneva Convention of 27 July 1929 relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. It requires that the wounded, sick and shipwrecked be collected and cared for. After we implemented the CIA program, we briefed a small number of lawmakers from both parties on its existence. Its full respect is required. While it is true that the criminal behaviour of terrorist unlawful combatants, The two articles do notprovide any guidance on many substantive and procedural legal issues, nor on how to resolve practical questions, that arise in relation to captured unlawful combatants., Indeed, Pejic asserts that the GWOT is neither IAC nor NIAC in nature, arguing that it may in some situations be an international armed conflict, in other instances a non-international armed conflict, and in still other cases not an armed conflict in the legal sense at all., Every situation of organized armed violence arising from or in response to terrorism must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Our conclusion was that they wereGiven all of this information, and given that the CIA had made a judgement call based on this information, President Bush, in my opinion, would have been negligent. In cases where there is any doubt as to a conflicts rightful legal classification, moreover, that war can be designated a mixed armed conflict, a designation which activates the full body of the LOAC to the conflict, regardless of classification difficulties, thereby ensuring the protection of war victims in that conflict in accordance with the abiding spirit and goal of the Geneva Conventions. Yet as even a cursory examination of the history of the nation's laws of war shows, presidents from Washington to Reagan and beyond have long championed the idea of humane treatment of prisoners . the Global War on Terrorism involving inter-State warfare in addition to intra-State insurgencies, and the wars that have taken place in both Georgia and Syria), with guidance often having to be provided on a case-by-case basis by the evolving consensus of world opinion on the conflict. It also made the repatriation of captured belligerents a recommendation instead of mandatory. They charged that Americans had committed unlawful torture. Humane Treatment of Prisoners. Despite being signatory to the Conventions, there are some notable and often-criticized U.S. cases involving conduct that would otherwise be prohibited by the Conventions, such as Hamdi v. Rumsfield(2004). This convention produced a treaty designed to protect wounded and sick soldiers during wartime. Added 10/28/2021 4:10:29 PM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. In previous blogs I have presented case-studies of Multinational Operations (MNOs) in Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo, in which participating national forces bound by government-imposed national caveat constraints failed to use lethal force at the critical and necessary moments in order to fully uphold or pursue the primary security objectives of their security mission mandates. In NIACs, the requirement of humane treatment for civilians and persons hors de combat is set out in common Article 3, which prohibits violence to life and person (including cruel treatment and torture), the taking of hostages, humiliating and degrading treatment, and execution without regular trial. Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions covered, for the first time, situations of non-international armed conflicts. 88 - 96, 266) Everyone is Entitled No Degrading or Humiliating Treatment Protected From Violence & Intimidation Shielded From Insults & Public Curiosity Given Respect for Their Persons & Honors No Reprisals Allowed Torture and Coercion (GPS, Art. By 2003, most governments and intelligence services had concluded that Saddam had been successful in resuming his weapons programs. PDF Updated January 13, 2005 - Federation of American Scientists However, CIL also asserts simultaneously that persons held in custody who are either unable or unlikely to take part in hostilities upon their release from custody by reason of illness, or gravely diminished mental or physical health should be released and directly repatriated as soon as possible (ICRC Customary IHL Rule 99, in NZDF LOAC Manual Chapter 15, ibid., pp. 35-36 in Geneva Convention I, pp. Krivdo, CJSOTF-A Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan A Short History 2002-2014, Office of the Command Historian, 2016,, (accessed 1 May 2019) and J. Satya, The Clearest 9/11 World Trade Center Footage on the Internet,, 5 August 2018,, (accessed 1 May 2019). These disasters in Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo, involving national military contingents engaging in both UN- and NATO-led multinational security operations over a period of ten years, are more than government, military and humanitarian failures however. The result was unanimous adoption in the fall of 2002 of UN Security Council Resolution 1441, which demanded a full accounting of progress in Iraqs weapons programs and a rigorous international inspection effort. In 1949, after World War II, two new Conventions were added, and the Geneva Conventions entered into force on 21 October 1950. The Swiss Government agreed to hold the Conventions in Geneva, and a few years later, a similar agreement to protect shipwrecked soldiers was produced. [15], CIL refers to practices in warfare that are so consistently upheld and adhered to by a majority of States on the world stage that they have become generally regarded as law. In short, as terrorists or terror-using insurgents in conflict theatres i.e. It was considered that this LOAC classification change would not only give more formal legal protection to the captured terrorists and extremist insurgents, but also automatically rule out any further use of enhanced interrogation techniques to extract actionable intelligence from the detainees no matter how effective or successful they were which advocates of the classification change deemed inhumane and a form of torture illegal under CIL (see endnote for a discussion on torture, and refer to American President George W. Bushs argument provided in endnote #30 above). Some of these LOAC obligations have been so universally ratified and accepted as customary norms worldwide over the last century, that they have become extremely powerful and are now internationally regarded as binding on all military and non-military combatant forces, in all places, and at all times, during all the stages of conflict that exist on the scale between peace and war. The Torture Memos, 10 Years Later - The Atlantic But as the years went by, Saddam became much more aggressive in limiting the reach of the inspectors, and the inspections for all practical purposes ended in 1998. In addition, these same national forces also failed to prevent, halt, suppress and punish combatants who committed genocide and crimes against humanity against these non-combatant civilians (see blogs #18 Caveats Endanger & Caveats Kill: National Caveats in UN Operations in Angola, Rwanda & Bosnia-Herzegovina, #20 Betrayal & Barbarism in Bosnia: The UNPROFOR Operation, National Caveats & Genocide in the Srebrenica UN Protected Area, #21 Srebrenica Aftermath: Serb Guilt & Dutch Liability for the Genocide in the UNPROFOR Safe Area in Bosnia,and#22 Recommended Viewing: The UN, National Caveats & Human Carnage in Rwanda). Alluded to briefly in Common Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, and then much more fully in Additional Protocol II of 1977, Non-International armed conflict refers to all armed conflict that takes place: In the territory of a High Contracting Party [State] between its armed forces and dissident armed forces or other organized armed groups which, under responsible command, exercise such control over a part of its territory as to enable them to carry out sustained and concerted military operations and to implement this Protocol. For under the LOAC, Detaining Powers are clearly permitted to question detainees in order to ascertain their identity and status and to obtain information of military value, and are generally allowed to use skilful interrogation to induce detainees to provide intelligence of worth (NZDF LOAC Manual Chapter 15: Prisoners of War and other persons deprived of their liberty in the course of armed conflict, in Section Nine: Prisoners of War and Other Persons Deprived of Their Liberty. This variation in interpretation is especially apparent with respect to, or in contrast to, practices of lawful interrogation in response to national security threats or during national security emergencies where the State is seeking to fulfil its primary responsibility and duty to protect the lives of its citizens. Protocol II was the first-ever international treaty devoted exclusively to . 4 of 8) It does not justify prohibited actions (correct) It justifies the use of overwhelming force, but not wanton destruction (correct) Humanity is a principle of the Law of War that addresses the immunity of peaceful populations and civilian objects from attack. Nearly all of the major principles of LOAC as well as associated treaty law are now considered CIL, most notably the following treaties: (a) The 1907 Hague Conventions IV (along with its annex of Hague Regulations), VII and IX relating to the Laws and Customs of War on Land; (c) The four 1949 Geneva Conventions relating to International inter-State conflict (but also including Common Article 3 relating to Non-International intra-State conflict in all four conventions), which provide protections to . The Geneva Conventions of 1949 also laid out rules for protecting wounded, sick or shipwrecked armed forces at sea or on hospital ships as well as medical workers and civilians accompanying or treating military personnel. Lieber Code - Wikipedia Specifically, it prohibits attacks on civilian hospitals, medical transports, etc. America Is Giving the World a Disturbing New Kind of War - New York Times I knew that an interrogation program this sensitive and controversial would one day become public. Internal security emergencies within a State, i.e. When it did, we would open ourselves up to criticism that America had compromised our moral values. With respect to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, they were negotiated after World War II. The fact also remains that terrorists operating within conflict zones are, by intent and design, mass-murdering criminals, who conduct illegal activities using prohibited means and methods, and who, by their very nature and purpose, do not themselves respect or adhere to the rules prescribed in Common Article 3, and give no fundamentally humane treatment to either military or civilian combatants or non-combatants, either in the course of their fighting or upon capture when held in their power. But. The severest of these interrogation tactics was supervised waterboarding a technique used on 3 of the highest ranking, most knowledgeable and most obstinate Al Qaeda terrorists in American custody (see endnote).

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