social work reflection examples
octubre 24, 2023In the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) in adult services, Newly Qualified Social Workers are expected to work on a portfolio which includes reflecting on their practice.Critical Reflection Log Part 1: Beginning the ASYEThis example of a critical reflective log is the first of four reflective logs required for the ASYE portfolio.Consider Reflective: Knowing when to say sorry and learning from your mistakes Motivated to care for them: [to] navigate difficult paths [in my life] and make time for me. Points and Questions to aid critical reflection: That is to say, communication is not neutral and does not necessarily have a universal meaning to each element of the agency or profession (Hall & Slembrouck, 2009). The other type of reflection Schon notes is reflection-in-action, or reflecting on your actions as you are doing them, and considering issues like best practice throughout the process. Risk, Advanced Liberalism and Child Welfare: The Need to Rediscover Uncertainty and Ambiguity. The whole thrust of the conversations, whilst acknowledging the trauma of the past and the difficulties of the present, were very much focused on the aim of Alice moving-on in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Ixer (1999) recognises that focusing too much on assessing reflection can lead to a prescriptive approach to reflection that is uncompromising. Excellent article, Tarrell! & Ehliasson, K., 2014. Using peer-group reflective practice 18, 197-295. An example could be recognizing that an individual facing housing troubles has a strong support system of family and friends who can help. Your subscription could not be saved. The concept of reflection: is it skill based or values?. Thank you for sharing! After a heavy session with a client who has experienced trauma, social workers should take time to reflect on their own feelings about the situation to ensure that they are working effectively and objectively with the client. In 2021-22, Social Work England changed their requirements for social workers CPD (Continuing Professional Development) following a public consultation. WebThe value of peer reflection. Examples Parton, N., 1998. (2010) Getting Started in C. Knott and T. Scragg (eds.) Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman Limited. I will then explore my experience of reflection, and how reflective practice supported me to apply theory to practice. Working closely with JK over a period of several months supported me to be able to identify any issues quickly, and by the time I we were engaged in Session A, we had a good working relationship. Although these moments appeared to be traumatic for Alice she said on many occasions that she wanted to speak about her past. Tarrell Clark, BSW, is a May 2020 graduate of Stockton University and works with adults with developmental disabilities. 2nd ed. Lightening: What came as a surprise? WebSocial workers also understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination and recognize the extent to which a cultures structures and values, including social, economic, political, and cultural exclusions, may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create privilege and power. Macdonald, G. & Macdonald, K., 2010. Please contact the publisher for permission to reproduce or reprint any materials on this site. There is a stigma attached to having a mental illness, and even when contact with services has ceased, that stigma usually persists (Miles, 2005). Critical reflection is also part of this framework, making up the entirety of domain 6. DCruz, H., Gillingham, P. and Melendez, S. (2007) Reflexivity, its meanings and relevance for social work: A critical review of the literature British Journal of Social Work, 37, 73-90. Inequalities in Child Welfare: Towards a New Policy, Research and Action Agenda. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. JK is a man in his 50s who was born in Nigeria but moved to the UK at a young age. Knowledge and skills for child and family practitioners, London: HMSO. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Models of Organising Adult Safeguarding. Firstly, I now believe that I saw and understood the situation in simplistic, binary terms. Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice. Karban, K., 2017. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Can Poverty Drive You Mad? 1205-1223. 1st ed. It allows me to access different points of view, positive feedback, and constructive challenge.. It has been noted that the theory base of social work is dominated by euro-centric discourse, meaning that certain paradigms or perspectives may be excluded unintentionally (Trevethick, 2012). British Journal of Social Work, 28(1), pp. Stephanie also advises young people to improve their situations and gives her professional consultations. Laird, S., 2011. (Brookfield, 1998, p. 197). 721 Words3 Pages. British Journal of Social Work, 30(1), pp. 175-188. Yip (2006) aptly notes that models like those described above are most useful when starting out the reflective process, and I quickly adapted and developed a model of reflection that was most appropriate for me. Adult safeguarding and the role of housing. Journal of Integrated Care, 23(2), pp. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on A degree of scepticism about existing knowledge, beliefs and values. Opinions expressed on this site are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. My inexperience, the fact that Alice has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and the gravity of what she was saying all contributed to a feeling of unease. Social Work Social workers must have leadership skills to help promote social change. All work is written to order. Schon advocated 2 types of reflective practice. At the time of my critical incident Alice was failing to attend to personal hygiene on a regular basis, frequently appeared to be experiencing low mood and would often break down in tears even when engaging in mundane, everyday conversation. Parker, J. Social Work Others time? Modern Social Work Theory. 579-626. 809-824. The examination of your beliefs, values, attitudes and assumptions forms the foundation of your understanding. Become an independent learner and problem-solver. Practice: Social Work in Action, 24(3), pp. Reflection on Group Activities Reflection is equally important in group tasks as in individual tasks. Reflective I am going back to school for Social Work. In addition to this, Alice also has contact with a psychiatrist and regular medical reviews with her GP. WebSocial workers often need their own psychiatrist first, in order to be the most efficient in their practice. The intersection of Alices gender, her adverse experiences both as a child and as an adult, her diagnosis of schizophrenia and the fact that she has experienced poverty for the entirety of her life has led to oppression and discrimination at multiple levels. Knott, C. and Spafford, J. Lishman, J., 2009. I know what I need to do, but doing it regularly is tough. Parton, N. & OByrne, P., 2000. Basingstoke: MacMillan Press Ltd. Payne, M., 2014. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Maidenhead: Open University. Bywaters, P., 2015. I noted this in my journal and tried to think, to be self-aware and to question as a first step towards reflecting on practice (Rutter & Brown, 2012, p. 30). Schn (1999) introduced the concepts of reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action in his book The Reflective Practitioner. S$QFOH5{H_>\*_PCM i{xRO+ba.u_ ? endstream endobj 148 0 obj <>stream (2012) Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice, London: Sage. 5-27. Tew, J. 207-216. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Example of 'Feelings'. Reflective: Knowing when to say sorry and learning from your mistakes Motivated to care for them: [to] navigate difficult paths [in my life] and make time for me. Points and Questions to aid critical reflection: These service users particularly challenged me, as I found their intersecting issues usually stretch well beyond their dual diagnosis, to other areas like housing or physical health. WebAccountable: [the] social worker shouldnt be scared to ask for guidance and support. Boud, D. (1999). Graham, M. J., 2017. 1st ed. Mental Health, Resilience and Inequalities, Copenhagen: World Health Organisation. WebAccountable: [the] social worker shouldnt be scared to ask for guidance and support. Risk management can be seen as a continuum (Nolan & Quinn, 2012), so whilst service user vulnerabilities must be taken into account when assessing risks there is also a balance to be struck. London: HMSO. Child and Family Social Work, 10(2), pp. British Journal of Psychiatry, 176(2), pp. Although I engage with and explored multiple models of reflection during my placement, the model of reflection that I found most useful was Schons theory of reflection (Schon, 1983; 2002). 3rd ed. For example, part of an encounter with a client/service user that you were involved with; a meeting you were part of as a participant or observer; an activity you were part of for example a group activity or assisting a client in Applying the Strengths Perspective to Your Self-Reflection. As will become apparent, forms of oppression and discrimination are a vital aspect of Alices narrative, and for this reason I propose to apply Fook & Gardners (2007) model to my critical incident and the subject of my case study. KW\Q>RMFV! Effective Practice Learning in Social Work. 2; (2010) Effective Practice in Social Work, Exeter: Learning Matters. The worker expressed a great deal of frustration at the lack of inter-agency communication, written or otherwise, and a failure to disclose key pieces of information. Boud and Knight (1996) equally describe how reflection has come to be seen as self-evidently worthwhile without significant critique (p.32). If you are not used to being reflective it can be hard to know where to start the process. Social Work: a forgotten piece of the integration jigsaw?. My work with Alice has taught me many things, most notably the impact of personal and structural processes of oppression and discrimination. Many of us hide behind our shadows in fear that our input will be rejected or outright incorrect. Parry, I., 2013. We continuously evaluate our impact and benefit to service users. His four complementary lenses can suggest a number of questions as social work students reflect on a challenging situation in field placement. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Many of the service users that we worked with had a dual diagnosis (problems with mental health and addiction). Source: Reflective Writing. Cass, E., 2015. Example Essential Guides for Early Career Teachers: Teaching Early Years and ProfessionalBehaviours, Observations and Reflections on my First Year Placement, Personal Value System vs Professional Value System, Understanding Roles and Responsibilities in Education and Training, Actually trying to "observe" children- the third free extract. I want to be able to help people who need the help. Ingram, R., 2013. Communicating misunderstandings: Multi agency work as social practice. Our agency worked with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable members of society, and engaging in uninformed work with these types of service users is a dangerous undertaking (Collingwood et al, 2008). Dewey, J. This article aims to demonstrate being reflexive and doing reflexivity through reflection where, within the research, for example, the first author addressed the difference between meanings of research participants perceptions of their experiences and her own interpretations of the meanings. Reflection In more recent times reflective practice has been developed further into a concept of critical reflection (Payne, 2014). The Weather Model Supporting Lifelong Learning: Perspectives on Learning. 1st ed. WebReflection In Social Work. The Learning Centre - UNSW. Barry, M., 2007. Reflection can help increase students awareness of their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences and therefore build a greater capacity for empathy with clients. Language, Bureaucracy & Social Control. Social workers use of critical reflection Due to the limits of the current medium, I will be focusing mostly on reflection-on-action.
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