saturn in aquarius tarot

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Miles Davis died of AIDS. School is out of the question just due to traveling. Your freedom is ring-fenced. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication thought and speech, information processing and writing. My adult son Sun Leo, 11 Aquarius moon ASC 17 Virgo Venus 1 Virgo and Mercury 9Virgo Mars 20 Virgo. Add These Dates to Your G-Cal: May 5: Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio. You see I have never had children and to be honest have never spent much time with infants or teenagers. The world is yours! 10 Leo 36 19 Happy New Year from New York!! Please could I have your insights into how the next couple of years may play out and how to make the best of the energy. Thank you very much for your help, should you wish to give it. Hi Jessica, I have just had Saturn pass through my stellium of 8 in Aquarius and am then entering my 2nd Saturn Return as a Capricorn Sun with oppositions to Virgo in Pluto and Uranus. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. You wont see this transit again for another 28-29 years so take the entire Saturn in Aquarius cycle from Christmas 2020 to May 2023 as a useful piece of instruction. WebSaturn is very much at home here as it is the ancient ruler of the sign of Aquarius. The Virgo/Sixth House side of the pattern is about your workload and wellbeing. The core issue is always about work, service and duty. Your health on all levels comes first. In your natal chart, Saturn and Minerva at 20, 21 Scorpio are in conjunction in your Eighth House of joint finance and shared property/possessions. Exhale. 28 Scorpio 58 40 Minerva We are going to see global limitations and restrictions on health care and medical supplies in 2023, starting in March, and evident in 2024, 2025 and early 2026. I have 5 stelliums in Aquarius, Leo and 4 in Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Never feel bad about asking questions, please, its what I am here for. May 2023 begins a terrific period of saving money or making it, if you take the chances given to you by May 2024. Find directions to Ninnescah, browse local businesses, landmarks, get current traffic estimates, road conditions, and I would be so grateful for your insights in to what this may mean for me. With Saturns shift Ill need to devise coping strategies for my stelliums in Gemini, Leo and Virgo and North Node Pisces. Your daughter is now approaching her Saturn Return and standard advice applies: sit it out. Pluto can only go backwards so you can only replay some issues and they will have lost their power. Saturns reward is The Getting of Wisdom, to quote the book. People or organisations which you felt controlled by, will lose control. Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. Many thanks, Jessica your kind help is much appreciated as always. Lastly, Saturn, again in its role as teacher, concerns itself with karma and the lessons which past experiences might bring. From that point the pressure is off. You have been through the most extreme cycle in 248 years with your career, unpaid work or academic career. Your writing career takes off from May 2024 until June 2025 and from 2026 you begin using new technology to write or broadcast, with much exhilaration and excitement ahead. And you may be rejected. Your Saturn is in conjunction with Fortuna, trine Juno and aspects the North Node and South Node as well. During the Black Death it travelled on ships. Hi Jessica Thank you. If you search Ceres on this website you will find a long feature about that. Thank you. Im afraid I dont use the system you are using. Its on that level. The parents on either side are usually brought in at some point. Saturn Return in Aquarius: Dates, Meaning, Lessons Its on that level, but the media is also brought in, so this feels like politics to me. My ascendant is in Virgo and descendent and north node in Pisces so I imagine this period will be important for me. Thanks again Jessica for sharing so much crucial information. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. I have personally tried Matthew Manning for distance healing for friends and myself and think his modest subscription is good value. What is your take on Yods? Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. Because it opened up a vision and the future is empty. There may be more you can do, though, and really use that Saturn opposition, as well as the incoming nodal transit in Virgo-Pisces, to really address the mind, body and spirit balance. Hello Jessica. taki. Thank you for the enlightenment you share with us. You might also mend past issues with family members or create This requires patience and a strategy. Saturn in astrology is also here to cut out, another one of his functions, and to cut off. Thank you. I put him in special needs swimming lessons immediately so hed know to swim if he ever, God forbid, got away from us. This brings in new restrictions, curbs, barriers and so on. by avoiding drugs and by practicing fidelity within marriage. Jupiter I read your website and twitter daily and am so so grateful that I found your site. My bet is it will be Covid but it may be a second issue which you feel is more important. I am glad you have been free of viruses since Long Covid. Therapy. Well, Taki, having survived life far beyond normal life expectancy you dont need any advice from me. Of course, when Saturn leaves one sign, and goes into another, you are presented with borders and confinement in another area of your life. Pisces: Religion. Being single for so many years, how will Saturn in Pisces affect my love life? You can transform your career, your love life, and your lifestyle, if youre ready. Yet, having put up with him for a long time somewhere else, you may feel as the Romans did, on Saturnalia. There is a second step in July when the karma with some of these people also ends. Saturn is sometimes known as the daddy planet (yep) because it brings discipline and order to our lives. Like being imprisoned in a castle with a moat. He will be in conjunction with your Pisces factors in the Twelfth House and in opposition to your Virgo factors in the Sixth House. Saturn 1-7 Pisces The previous Saturn transit my life was very different, single with a small child, her Saturn return is now and I do worry about her. Do you know of any that work with astrology like you do? September 2nd 2025 to February 14th 2026. Elon Musk is a good example of this on Twitter in 2022. In common with everybody born in the 1960s, you are set to experience transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Pluto and natal Uranus in Virgo. The latter seems likely given you talk about a ball and chain. You may feel as if you need to address relatives, ancestors, roots, heritage, history, culture. Lynne, I am very sorry you were hospitalised with Covid. This will help to bring you back down to earth about what has been a long escape from the real world. Saturn Return In Aquarius: Dates & Karmic Lessons I might be imagining it but I feel like they think I am flakey. Internet. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. I have distanced myself and now work for myself but ist is not easy. May 20: Mars enters Leo. You can share in the power. He has had health issues throughout his life that have been overcome successfully. Could you enlighten me on how this may affect me? Neptune Apollo was much imitated in Rome. Saturn is strong in all my families charts and I wonder if you can help with regard to my eldest daughter who is separated from her abusive husband since 2016 and now struggling to finalise everything as for years he has not supported her and the children financially and she struggles. You have a stellium there from 2 through 26 degrees of Virgo, in your Sixth House of wellbeing and workload. The sign of Aquarius has been associated with circles of people coming together for a common purpose, for centuries. For the yearly horoscope for Capricorns, it sounds to me like there would be instability in my relationship. Thank you. Saturn in Gemini/Saturn in the 3rd House Gemini is known for a It takes Saturn 28-30 years to complete its orbit of the zodiac. hello Jessica, thank you for all that you write, I look forward to reading your new posts and all the comments every day. Im very interested to hear what you see in the year ahead for me. I would really appreciate if you could see how Saturn may work with my chart on this cycle? It is uncomfortable for me to talk about money, what to charge for my work. It begins towards the end of March. Could this be because of Saturn? Why anyone would troll you is beyond me. My grand dot is Capricorn 20. You cannot separate how you feel (physically and mentally) from your daily grind. Here, too, you have had Saturn in Aquarius opposing your Leo stellium since Christmas 2020. If you have any factors at Aquarius 24, 27 or 29 in your Eleventh House, then the issue near these dates will be friends and groups. Archetypes go back to the Romans, who adapted them from the Greeks, and as archetypes are embedded in the hive mind (and yours and mine) they are also embedded in the language. In fact you have what it takes to advise others, either informally or in a professional capacity. In fact, Im excited to see what unfolds this year and am more contented than I ever recall being. Also when Saturn moves to 6 Pisces, it will also square my natal Saturn in Gemini is there something I should be careful about on those days? I am a great fan of having readers look at Saturn and other archetypes through the lens of painting and sculpture from the Romans onwards as it often telegrams the meaning of the symbol. Dear Jessica , Sorting out the aspects is really a matter of priorities. Saturday is Saturns Day. I have probably been Neptunianly escapist , hiding from the public a bit recently, but, as Saturn goes into Pisces does this mean I might face that ringed- in or fenced out scenario, as a Gemini? When this event takes place, it marks a period of maturity (the first Saturn return taking place right as you step into your thirties, the second one occurring as you move into your sixties, etc). I will consult the tarot, which is a tremendous resource on your page, thankyou, but any particular or general input on 2023 that you see in my chart would be so welcome. Old friends come back, new friends are made. The Paris Opera Ballet and the Civil Rights Movement were visited by Saturn in astrology. Ops was Saturns wife and defeated him. My brother has been suffering mental and physical challenges, family and professional issues too. Marriage. Thank you. I have just started tia learning journey to help me understand why Ive struggled in my marriage. It may be useful to go over your will again and update if youve not done that; just to clear your thoughts. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. There are no wolves. We got married in September and the pregnancy happened quicker than expected.

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