safeguarding scenarios for health visitors

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The most important thing to remember is to report any suspicions you have, even if you arent certain. /Parent 2 0 R 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 549 611 556 556 556 556 500 556 500 Accessibility $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Child protection training should form a key part of your organisations induction process. /StructParents 9 An official website of the United States government. What are Safeguarding Issues? Call Childline on 0800 1111, Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3NH. If, having reported your concerns, you do not think that the appropriate action has been taken, you can call the NSPCCs Whistleblowing Advice Line on 0800 028 0285, or email /StructParents 15 A 15-year-old asks to arrange individual counselling sessions to talk about their problems in private, without their parents or carers. These are the main incidents you are likely to come across, however, there may be others. In Scotland, you will need a Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check if you are undertaking regulated work. she is usually on time; Her. More information about criminal records checks in Northern Ireland is available from Access NI (Access NI, 2020)2. 333 556 556 500 556 556 278 556 556 222 222 500 222 833 556 556 << /Resources 92 0 R letting groups know if other people will be using the premises at the same time. Your organisation should have clear procedures in place that outline what staff and volunteers should do if they have any concerns about a childs safety and welfare, whether this comes from a child telling you something or noticing the signs of abuse or harm. << You should never wait until a child or young person tells you directly that they are experiencing abuse before taking action. Health visitors skills in holistic assessment of child and family wellbeing means that we will recognise that some families have additional needs. Discover the professional benefits of becoming a member today and you dont have to be a health visitor ! J Adv Nurs. She mentions to you that shes worried about Bob as he is recently divorced and has problems with his ex-wife. << You should also make sure you comply with the safeguarding policies and procedures of the organisation you are renting space from. > Read more about supervision and adult to child ratios. Some cookies are essential to make this website work. 2) If a child is seriously ill or injured. /Font 128 0 R Case Scenarios and Prompt Sheets - Lancashire Safeguarding /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] 25 0 obj Login / Register . For safeguarding training, resources and consultancy Riverside Business Park, Dansk Way, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, LS29 8JZVAT Reg. /ParentTree 34 0 R Make sure groups and organisations are aware that someone may be dropping in, so that they can arrange to have the appropriate supervision in place. /Group 72 0 R When he asks her about it, she hints that it was not accidental and had happened during her individual singing practice with the choir leader. Namely, this includes teachers, teaching assistants, designated safeguarding leads (DSLs), headteachers and lunchtime staff. Scenario 6: Mr Jones may be experiencing neglect (being hungry and thirsty, looking unkempt), self-neglect abuse (as a result of his condition), and possibly domestic abuse. /Resources 114 0 R >> 17 0 obj There should be procedures in place for you to escalate concerns about behaviour from members of other organisations using the space. After class, Freddie tells you that the teacher sent the picture to him and that they have met up outside of school on a few occasions. > Learn more about responding to bullying, > See our example anti-bullying policy statement. /Parent 2 0 R Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] /StructParents 31 James apparently said that everyone else is blind to what is going on in Britain and made comments about how Matthew had made him see sense. While all employees have a duty to ensure children are kept safe at school, the DSL is responsible for overseeing this and for liaising with external child welfare organisations. A role might not be eligible for a criminal records check if it does not involve regular contact with children or young people but you should still carry out other appropriate checks such as having interviews and checking references. In fact, since her niece took the responsibility of doing the weekly shopping, she barely has enough food at home, and she feels hungry most of the time. 8 0 obj ] When she was talking to you over the phone, she sounded stressed and unsettled. /Version /1.5 << Professionals in some roles might occasionally need to work with a child without parental consent. << Get written consent from parents or carers and ask children and young people if they want to be involved. 667 667 667 667 667 667 1000 722 667 667 667 667 278 278 278 278 Even if a child asks you not to share what they have told you, you must report it if it means you are promoting their welfare. Your training should have taught you to recognise the potential warning signs of all safeguarding concerns. /StructParents 0 >> Scenario 4: Valerie could be experiencing financial abuse (shes hoping shell get her money back but possibly not sure). Report the image to the site or network hosting it. Safeguarding Clinical Scenarios Clinical Scenarios 1) I am concerned that the child is in imminent danger. Recognising and sharing concerns quickly with the appropriate people is important. /Contents 47 0 R Valerie is a very independent 80-year-old woman living on her own in a ground floor flat in an apartment block. Without context, it is sometimes difficult to judge if there is a potential safeguarding concern. /Contents 68 0 R He says he didnt feel pressured into sending the photo but then his boyfriend shared it with their friends, which he didnt consent to. In the scenarios mentioned above you will be able to identify factors that can make an adult more at risk of abuse. As soon as you have concerns that a child may come to harm you should contact the DSL. You should also have an online safety policy and agreement for children to help them understand and recognise what is inappropriate behaviour online. Make sure staff and volunteers have the contact details of the nominated child protection lead and their deputy to report any concerns. You should also consider any risks that may arise from the area around the venue. /Rect [96 300.6 300.9 314.4] This includes acting to prevent neglect, harm or abuse of these individuals. An adult helper in a childrens church choir notices a bruise on the arm of a 7-year-old girl during rehearsal. If what Jenny is saying is true, then James may have been radicalised, possibly by or alongside Matthew. If you hire out a space on your premises to other organisations you have a responsibility to make sure they are taking the right steps to keep children safe. >> Cathy shared that she pays for the weekly shopping and is happy to do that. 11 0 obj > Find out more about safeguarding children who come from Black, Asian or minoritised communities. As youre reading the scenarios try to think about: Then go to the reflection part and check your answers. In all the scenarios action must be taken. /Group 51 0 R Membership of the iHV is open to anyone working in the area of health visiting. >> Access NI for individuals and self-employed. Training. As well as understanding how you must deal with concerns, you need to know what actually constitutes a safeguarding issue. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] Crucially, when it comes to protecting the children you teach, do not ignore your own suspicions. /Subtype /Image How to Create a Behaviour Support Plan: Free Template. /Parent 2 0 R endobj 1996 May;23(5):912-8. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2648.1996.01028.x. We need your consent to use marketing cookies. /Type /Page And the iHV supports health visitors to do just that! This site needs JavaScript to work properly. He is shouting in another language and they arent sure what is being said. > Learn more about the role of the nominated child protection lead. /Contents 126 0 R You need to immediately refer the child to hospital and inform the children's social care team. How stress is causing health visitors to quit | Nursing in Practice endobj Safeguarding children: how to identify and escalate concerns These codes should be easily available to staff and volunteers, children and parents and carers. PDF Information sharing: Case examples - The Learning Exchange /StructParents 6 Make accurate and detailed notes about any concerns you have for a child and share these with your nominated child protection lead. 0 Choose a suitable venue: use a room with windows so people can see in, or leave the door open. 278 333 556 556 556 556 260 556 333 737 370 556 584 333 737 552 19 0 obj /Resources 40 0 R /Parent 2 0 R For some families, a referral to childrens social care (or in an emergency the police service) will be needed. > Find out more about recording and sharing information. Dont tell lots of other people about your conversation, only those who your organisations safeguarding procedures say you need to report it to. /Contents 83 0 R Health visitors' role in family mental health. /Producer /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] /Type /Page /Group 105 0 R /A 131 0 R These are not true case studies; they are fictional scenarios, but they are intended to help make the topic clearer. Everyone who works with children should have been through a safer recruitment process and have had the appropriate checks. /Parent 2 0 R /Parent 2 0 R /Rotate 0 All staff and volunteers should be made aware of these procedures during their induction and they should be easily accessible to everyone. You should also not let concerns about cultural sensitivity stand in the way of safeguarding and protecting children and young people. /Group 32 0 R /Type /Page /StructParents 2 /Parent 2 0 R You are having one of your weekly chats with Fred. Here, timely referrals for early help and/or a step up to universal plus provision of services may prevent a situation from deteriorating and resulting in harm to a child. Her favourite article is Guide to Alternative Milk: Food Safety, Nutritional Benefits & A Good Brew! This service offers free, confidential advice and support to anyone concerned about how safeguarding concerns are dealt with. Advise groups to wait until adults have left the bathroom before children and young people use them and vice versa. Here, a teacher is abusing their position and behaving inappropriately with Freddie, a pupil in their care. Please select the checkbox below to indicate your consent. 15.1 Myth. /Resources 99 0 R The safeguarding of the children is paramount and therefore despite it being a tricky issue to address, it was an issue which was vital to work with in order to safeguard the children. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] xU8^JTzH J&{Z^6|HhjR:oU:8}KjD#. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] Authoritative practice, a buzzword in contemporary child protection working, means having high expectations of all parties (i.e. The DSL believes that due to her parents recent divorce Aisha has been acting out at school as a way to get attention from others. Download our introductory guide for help and advice. 27 0 obj /CreationDate (D:20060405095936-07'00') 10 0 obj sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal and transmitted securely. Related: Other excellent resources include: Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff (2019) /Tabs /S Health visitors just weigh babies. For older children, organisations should carry out a risk assessment and consider if it is appropriate for them to go to the bathroom unsupervised. Safeguarding scenarios | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK Your duty to protect children extends beyond the education setting, such as at home. When working with anyone under 18 you should undertake training to make sure you know how to recognise and respond to safeguarding and child protection concerns. > See example online safety policy statement and agreement. You can then contact your coordinator or Re-engage contact (depending upon role) and together, That they have been abused or neglected before, That they are under stress due to poor income or housing poverty, That they are experiencing mental health issues, That they are in an environment where there is domestic abuse, That they are an older person who has care and support needs.

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