quran expanding universe debunked

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be expanding, just as Hubbles Law states. The theory states that all In the atheist community, there is generally a lack of debunkings in regards to Islam, therefor a few of us from the council of ex muslims forum began creating channels devoted to that very subject. The boat described also couldnt sail. During Hubble's observations, the light from stars was discovered to tend towards red. Google Translateadjectiveexpanded, , , wideneddeveloped, , , , So the quranic meaning fit the three meaning..Expanding, widening and developing. The earth is an oblate spheroid. I'm already a subscriber and think you do great vids. When we compare the statements in the verse with the Big Bang theory, we see that they fully agree with each other. A Reply To Dan Gibson. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper, tar command with and without --absolute-names option. Some translates the word samaa' to heaven, while others translate it to universe (see Muhammed Asad). There isnt even enough water on earth to flood all the land. (51:47) About the science of tafsir and "scientifc proofs, theories, examples" based on the Qur'an. found. The Qur'an and the Expansion of the Universe (Debunked) - Answering Muslims Note : By clicking record you are allowing us to broadcast your message on any of our platforms. Why Muslims are poor, ignorant and extremist. The Quran also says (Man) is created from a drop emitted, proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs. (Surah 86:6-7) This description reflects the view of Hippocrates, common in the 5th century, that semen comes from all the fluid of the body and passes through the kidneys on the way to the penis. *this one is mine* We have 45 video's up so far and frequently upload new ones. Hubble discovered the expanding universe in 1925. That's why the argument of Universe expanding forever remains for human as human will never know when it will end. However, in order to avoid violating the static universe model that was prevalent at that time, Einstein put that finding aside. many people in his time, Prophet Muhammad happened to be illiterate and simply For example, Zakir Naik says, It was Edwin Hubble who discovered that the universe is expanding. Also, it features Live Help through chat. The blog posts published here undergo only a minimal editing process in order to preserve the voice and views of the writer. I think :> )The Quran is not meant to be proved by miracles, its an just all in one guide to understanding Life and God. This strange form of matter with negative pressure is called dark energy, and it is a big mystery in science. The expansion of the universe is one of the most important pieces of evidence that the universe was created out of nothing. It doesnt even contain information on efficient agricultural endeavors. Firstly, gas and smoke are not the same thing. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Cyclic model has been refuted, look up google. What it does contain are several verses which if twisted to conform to modern knowledge, may appear insightful to nave individuals suffering from hindsight bias. God created the sky - and truly He is able to. To take this verse to mean that Allah was hinting on the expanding universe theory is preposterous, considering that the Quran also says they made the 'world' in 6 days, the 'heavens' having seven layers and acts as a ceiling with invisible pillars supporting it. Find out more, Prophecies and Scientific knowledge in Bible preserved since 3 Millenniums By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In many nations across Africa and southern Asia it is illegal to blaspheme against Islam. (41:53). -- George Carlin. The Big Bang theory showed that in the beginning all the objects in the universe were of one piece and then were parted. There is no evidence ancient Israel was founded by ex Egyptian slaves fighting their way out of Egypt with miracles. The following verse is supposed proof that the Qur'an states that the universe is expanding which has only been discovered in the past one hundred years- 51:47 With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace. The Expansion of the Universe in the Quran - Islamweb The Qurn says in Srah Dhriyt, chapter 51, verse 47, We have created the expanding universe, the vastness of space. The Arabic word msina refers to vastness, the expanding universe. There is no mention of a universe in this text anywhere and no mention of it expanding either. mention that the heavens and earth were once one, and then God caused them to These facts were there to make the people at the time understand. The only universe? Matter did not exist to be cloven asunder and there was certainly no splitting of Earth from heaven. (Courtesy: NASA). Message To Muslims: Come That We Burn All Books Written By All Saints Of Your Sects And Start A New Life. And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding. Glass isnt organic. But I will to keep it hidden, that every soul may be rewarded for that which it strives (to achieve)." As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. How to combine several legends in one frame? I'm just curious. Or make a one-time donation in any amount. However, this said, you will find other (mostly modern) scholars interpreting the word to mean "Indeed We are expanding it". *this one is mine*. And how was "" interpreted? The species which currently inhabit the earth could not have evolved within a few thousand years from a pair of kinds, nor could a pair of each species fit on the boat described. Hubbles the Big Bang theory is accepted by the vast majority of scientists and I have been a member of the online atheist community for over ten years. A modern translation of Surat Al-'Anby 21:32 reads And We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they, from its signs, are turning away. The word ceiling here has also been translated as canopy or roof. Surat An-Nzi`t 79:27-28 reads Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? Black holes: A manifestation of Allah's name of Al-Hafiz could not have been aware of such facts by himself. in science, is considered remarkable. There is a barrier between them. noor means light and is used many times to refer to God himself and so obviously cannot mean reflected light. This interpretation is the traditional interpretation, which shows Gods power to create, which is mentioned in many other places in the Quran. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner. Thus, [the heaven] is as though the earth and what covers it of water and air are like a dot in the middle of a [large] circle.

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