personnel epr bullets

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- QC'd SDAP roster; rectified 30 Start/Stop actions/turn'd<36 hrs/#1/26 sqs--shielded $94.2K entitlements for 78 mbrs, - Rebuilt sq UPMR; scrutinized 625 funded manpower rqmts/solved 526 pos mismatches--erased 2-yr shortfall <10 days - Advises CC/sq leadership on all personnel issues, coordinates and schedules calendar for all front office & sq activities - Streamlined spt f/404 DoD sites/11 GSUs; combined DEERS/IACS/updated biometrics f/ID holders--1-stop f/4K mbrs - Dedicated Airman; performed 1000+ COVID-19 screenings f/ VA employees--ensured prsnl safety during pandemic Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year Each Performance Statement will be a standalone sentence and includes 1) action and 2) at least one of the following: impact or results/outcome. - Sq AFPAAS dir; led 4 mbr sec during duty status cert f/394 mbrs/fams--showcased real-world recall capes f/disasters - Executed $315K TDY dispersal; provided funds/orders 396 prsnl/27 locations--completed PACOM & CENTCOM lines JOB DESCRIPTION. - Orchestrated Sq essentris stand-down; creat'd talking paper/train'd 27 techs--provided standardization f/6 sects - Versed AROWS-R/DTS/RTS specialist; reviewed/processed 75+ member pay pkgs--reduced $20K monthly backlogs - Orchestrated Sq/CC call; coordinated presentations/set-up/awards--flawless event for 272 enlisted/civilian personnel, - Orders specialist; created & processed orders in AROWS-R, UTAPS monitor--in/out processing for all squadron mbrs - Updated & revised CSB notification process/procedures; created tracking system--ensured 100% compliance EPRs try to capture how well airmen perform their jobs and the positive traits that help them succeed. - Amend'd 3yr Key Nuc Billet backlog; Id'd pos mismatches/coord'd fix w/MFMs/HAF--secur'd $8.7M in mnpwr auths Identified 22 reenlistment contract administrative errors--corrected potential pay deficiencies, - Oversaw Selective Reenlistment Prgm: coordinated with DFAS/AFPC-44 pay issues rectified/$1M, - Id'd 34 date of separation mismatches; verified & updated correct info--ensured 100% MilPDS data integrity, - Processed 150 separations & 85 retirements--aided mbrs w/smooth transition from military to civilian life, - Excellent counselor! Army, Ammunition, Military. - Brought knowledge and info back from AMC 4-star conference; updated Grp on expectations and future of AMC. - DEERS Mngr; scrutinized 2.4K ID cards issuance/dependent enrollments--catalyst f/base security/$2.5M med benefits Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC. What is EPR meaning in Bullet? - Revamped DSG meal chit sys; combined multiple docs into single source document--reduced processing time 53% Thanks! AFSC 3F0X1, Personnel, EPR Bullets examples. AFSC 3S0X1, Personnel, Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples 3S0X1 Personnel EPR Bullet Examples See also: Personnel Awards and Decorations AFSC 3S0X1 is now 3F0X1 - Established filing sys procedures; generated 20 permanent training folders--aircrew training continuity assured - Directed base in-processing; updated duty status for 100 newly assigned airmen--reached 100% accountability - Great Mentor; provided guidance and training on proper formats of all AF communications to AD and civilian mbrs. - Reconstructed 12 erroneous enlistment contracts; rectified MilPDS/PRDA integrity--secured $285K payments <2mths - Facilitated 3x EFDPs; reviewed 78 EPRs/garnered 12 promotion statements--supported 40% enlisted promotion rate - Surveyed SAR codes against UMD; fixed 4 major discreps/initiated 2 upgrades--mitigated potential security violation Mediocre Performance Reports 12 7.1. - Strengthened communication skills; attended EPR professional dev seminar--expanded personal writing ability. - MPF SME; supported last minute Wing task/fulfilled 12 DSD positions--saved 12 mnpw hours f/ time critical tasker UIFs; tracked/secured control rosters/article 15 actions; AFMC/JAG annual review 100% compliant, - Mature beyond rank; expertly assisted trng PERSCO team mbrs; minimized errors & increased mission readiness - CSB/REDUX program POC; 50 eligibles briefed on entitlements--ensured 100% accuracy w/$1.5M dispersed, - DEERS Site Security Mgt; issued 120 ID cards/dependent enrollments--spt'd 4.5K cust/secured $20K DoD sys eqpmt - Systematized Gp Staff Mtg slides; maint'd current info from flt to gp lvl--enhanced ldrshp alignment w/ Wg Priorities, - Team Lead f/ PDF line; proc'd 400 airmen during LEER exercise/Id'd & corrected 36 items--incr'd msn readiness 100% - UIF prgm SME; tracked/corr'd 33 MILPD record anomalies/develop'd checklist--lauded by MPF/f zero discrepancies EPR. - Articulates CONUS/OS asgmt rqmts/special duty asgmt pgrms, vOP/OPA & PCS relo policy & processing procedures, - A1 Linchpin; QB'd 4 UPC workload in DoD stop mvmt/daily track'g of 650 prs--73 safe PCSs/awd'd Q3 Sq NCO OTQ EPR Bullets - Air Force Hub - Virtualized in-processing; eliminated need for face-to-face contact--eradicated possible exposure/spread of COVID19, - WAPS monitor; ensures all enl mbrs receive CDCs & coords with FSS for in- & out-of-cycle promotion testing - Navigated SEL through sq manning review; aligned 244 billets for PRP stand-up--assured CJCS force support f/E-4B, - Orchestrated correction of pay/GTC affecting DTS cases; coord d w/20 mbrs/finance--combat mission ready enabler - Oversees INTRO Pgm, monitors/distributes/updates sponsor allocation notices; manages base in-processing briefings, - Directs 2-mbr tm providing admin spt for Wg/Gp Staff, Sq and 5 dply'd flts; provides guidance to CCs, CCC & CCF - Great Mentor! Volunteering is usually just one line out of the whole EPR. - Enforced Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act; validated 5 self-inspection checklists--100% MICT compliant Consistency is Key 11 7. Led 3S0X1 EET Phase II ORI preparations--enhanced unit knowledge/prepped team for success, - Drove flight UCI preparation efforts; aided MPS earning 3 Superior Performers & Wg's 99% compliancy rate, - Conducted 3 unit PRP sav reviews--ensured continuity binders & processes were compliant w/AF regulation, - Performed UCC duties during ORE; relayed alarm conditions/mopp lvls/situation reporting; vital 2 msn success, - Selected as PERSCO team mbr for Exercise Red Flag--maintained 100% accountability of over 1K personnel, - Key Phase II ORE PERSCO mbr; provided prompt casualty/replacement reporting--increased vital msn focus, - Led AOR's lgst PERSCO tm; 1K DEERS trans/acct'd 23K pax/67 E-lv/averted 70 deports--saved DoD $140K, - Launched SQ/CC's Status of Trng mtgs; refocused CDC/UGT/Home Station Trng rqmt's--122 Amn msn ready, - Incredible initiative despite 57% SNCO manning; instituted qtrly Flt Amn/NCO calls--refocused competencies, - Chaired Shaw Appreciation Day; synched food/sports/entertainment--enhanced morale for 3K+ Amn/families, - Spearheaded picnic for AFELM dorm residents; 29 Amn enjoyed food/games--boosted morale/esprit de corps, - Led 379 EFSS/PERSCO Team; 2K DEERS trans/acct'd 31K PAX/88 E-lvs/averted 86 deports--saved DoD $365K, - Selected to fwd deploy as 386 EFSS/FSM; led 19 Amn/8 AFSs/acct'd f/6.7K prsnl/66 GEOLOCs--vital to DCA ops, - Initiated PERSCO reception video; edu'd 600K/enhanced ops knowledge--added to Silver Flag curriculum AF-wide, - Guided Assigns/Rets/Seps reorg; constructed one Relo Section/force multiplied 16 Amn--bolstered prgm efficiencies, - Attained 6 mgt MA sem hrs/3.9 GPA; instructed 11 PDCs; advanced ldrship/followership skills--developed 102 Amn, - Secured 350 MPA days; sustained MPS ops despite 25% NCO/SNCO manning/30K trans--zero mission degradation, - Operated at Formal Training NCOIC level for 195 days; 450+ student pilots met tng susp--trained on-time & msn rdy, - Worked 2 Sq CC Calls; facilitated logistics/set-up digital equip/proffered 62 awds--strengthened peer's morale, - Represented Sq during Wg meeting; chosen 388EMS Airman of the Day ahead of peers--lauded by ldrshp, - Exceptional SMSgt; covered 8-month CMSgt, Grp Superintendent vacancy--inspired diverse grp w/ 40 AFSCs, - Produced results; launched self-inspection program; cemented "Excellent" rating during unit's first PACAF UCI, - Stood up PERSCO team & estab trng--increased DCAPES ops knowledge 40% & team chief knowledge 70%, - A task-oriented, conscientious SNCO--efforts lead to increasing workcenter efficiency and effectiveness, - Took charge as MPS Superintendent; postured 35 to right place w/right person--ensured zero msn degradation, - Superbly managed 3 MPS sect's during SNCO shortage; conducted trng, led UCI prep--met msn target by 100%, - Piloted susp tracker; prvd'd accurate mnthly on-time stats for wg ldrship--id'd/eliminated process deficiencies, - Refined base sponsorship pgm; solely tracked 200+ allocation RIPS & reduced redundancy--100% Amn sponsored, - Developed new mbr sponsorship prgm; garnered 100% mbr contact--enabled seemless supt for inbound mbrs, - Revitalized base sponsorship prgm; cut process redundancy/tracking system--100% sponsors appt for 300 Amn, - Evaluations SME; instructed 27 first sergeants on evals processing guidance--catalyst to unit program success, - Revamped prosaic eval tracking prgm; prcs'd 4K+ evals--streamlined processing time from 30+ to four days, - Updated/corrected 600+ duty info/history errors; ensured accurate info updated in MilPDS--0 discrepancies, - Revamped EPR process; transitioned Sq to new VPC sys--facilitated accurate reporting to AFPC for 405 mbrs, - Processed 161 EMS mbr EPRs; loaded/validated accuracy info to sharepoint--ensured 98% sq on-time rate, - Expert oversight of wg evals pgm; processed 786 evaluations/205 decs--96% on-time/beat AETC std by 11%, - Developed innovative dec process/tracker for 1.2K joint/AF awds--fixed >400 dec backlog/recognized SOF warriors, - Task-oriented, expediently uploaded over 600 completed decorations; increased work center effectiveness by 60%, - HQ AFSPC Awards Board Cmte lead; processed 3Q/4Q awds--timely recognition of 104 noms & 15 winners, - Flawlessly processed/suspensed 1100 enlisted/officer performance reports; reduced AFPC return rate by 90%, - Processed decorations for 75 inbound/outbound mbrs; validated tracking log--100% accountability ensured, - Flawlessly processed/suspensed 1K+ enlisted/officer performance reports; reduced AFPC return rate by 87%, - Revamped trng tracker; reconciled 1K docs/certificates for 200+ prsnl--provided flt CC snapshot of WG's trng status, - Created MPS AFTR trng plan; 2 NCOs & 12 Airmen awarded 7 & 5 lvls respectively--ensured timely updates, - Developed RAPIDS SSM continuity bk; guaranteed mission readiness--maintained $1.75M of site equipment, - Facilitated Suicide prevention trng; enabled mandatory trng requirements--increased Sq safety for 304 mbrs, - Supervised/assisted MPS trainers; trained 3 new Amn on Force mgmt--enhanced MPF capabilities by 20%, - Completed 520 hrs of MPF trng; enhanced knowledge of personnel prgms--reduced errors in MPF processes, - Qualified Additional Duty First Sergeant; admin oversight for 60-plus enlisted in MSS and AEW Staff, - Trained as MSS DCG rep; trained to coordinates unit response to emergencies--trusted to make critical calls, - Earned nine upper-level credits toward Business Management degree; education improved processes, - Completed Web Page administrator training; enabled use of internet to disseminate career/benefit information, - Pursued personal education; completed 16 hr Effective Admin Assistance course--trained peers on practices, - Acquired 12+ hrs Casualty trng; reinforced valuable knowledge--enhanced capabilities for on-time notification, - Total team player!

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