mercury conjunct mercury transit
octubre 24, 2023When Mercury is in retrograde motion during its transit it may introduce delays in the affairs under its influence. You could be thinking a lot about taking action on something important to you. On the other hand, challenging aspects may indicate difficulties in expressing thoughts or disagreements over differing opinions. *Good practical job-related thoughts and ideas. Especially as we have the opportunity for those pennies to drop & pick up on sonething we may have ovetlooked as possible with Merc being rx given the forward conjunction is around a much more solidifying Capricorn solstice than we have experienced for what seems like eons. Im new to your site and I love it! A lover or friend might offer you information or advice that you dont want to hear. The interpretations below (source: Day Watch software, interpretations like these are included in the Day Watch Report Package) show what happens when Mercury transits conjunct a natal planet or point while in Retrograde motion, and then returns to "revisit" the conjunction after turning Direct. Its a strong period for objective observation and discussion. Jupiter 12Aqr57. You could find that mistrust dominates the daywhether this is something you meet in others or deal with in your own thinking patterns. Thank you Jamie! Mercury Conjunct Sun Transit. By Corinne Lane Leave a comment on Mercury Transits to Natal Mercury. Or add too much gusto to a discussion and land in a heated argument. Conflicts of interest are likely to occur now. When transit Mercury is square to your natal Mercury, you may need to readjust your ways of thinking or communicating with others. These are opportunities for breaking free from the trappings of the egoic self and its attachments and more closely aligning with the inner truth. Enthusiasm and energetic communications occur during this transit. Your intuition is spot-on, and you tend to have the right idea at the right moment. Unfortunately all transit dates for 2016 have passed and the next one is only in early 2017. Or should i wait until Jan 6? Worth reading about Mercury retrograde and see how it aspects your chart. Your memory is excellent, and you love to take things apart and put them back together again, in your mind and with your hands. These represent very potent turning points where further personal growth in consciousness requires the identity must slough off its old skin completely and re-emerge with a shiny, more pliable new coat capable of stretching into new areas of growth. A harmonious aspect between Mercury and other planets can indicate smooth communication and intellectual compatibility within the relationship. Transit to Natal of Pluto ( ) Conjunction to Mercury, This is a time of intense communications, during Conjunction aspect which you are obsessed with certain thoughts. Mercury Conjunct Mars Natal and Transit: Time to - HoroscopeJoy Avoid making hasty decisions that you will later regret. Mercury opposition Venus You might be asked to do a favor that you dont want to do or you could feel overloaded with tasks and errands now. Buying and selling should turn a profit, and you can negotiate a better deal in any area of life. The Centre is part of a particularly dynamic ecosystem, within the second French . Communicating is essential to who I am and Ive been writing since a young age. Please let us know how it goes. The Venus-Mercury conjunction is one aspect that can indicate intellectual and communicative compatibility between partners. You can talk your way out of practically anything now. Transit aspect Last for About 4 Month for Example, Entering Sep 24 2023, Leaving Jan 3 2024. This is a good time for reading, writing, studies, exams, editing, and sharing your thoughts and ideas. October 2, 2028 All rights reserved. Negotiations are in order, and you might feel a strong need for feedback from a significant other or special friend. Unexpected gains may be realized through such mediums. Try not to read negativity into what others say now. Therefore, you should avoid hasty decisions and you should also be cautious when traveling. When it comes to the effects of composite charts on relationships, there are several factors to consider. You are more curious and are willing to learn about your surroundings. Josemaria Escriva 000, Brigitte Bardot 005, Ladt Sarah Chato 005, Dick Emery 007, Kurt Vonnegut 012, Gustav Holst 021, George Bowering 024, Jim Carrey 032, Woody Allen 036, George Blake 040, Eric Burdon 051, Karen Carpenter 058, Billy Bob Thornton 103, Dean Martin 108, Denton Welch 112, Louis XVI 113, Georges Braque 116, George Chisolm 120, Richard Nixon 139, Aelxis Ford 144, Johanes Brahms 147, Michael Douglas 149. Your intuition is strong, and insights seem to come from out of the blue. Transit Mercury Conjunct Mercury This is a great day to initiate a new mental project such as starting a class, writing a book or article, or formulating a plan. It's a favorable time for solving problems. The desire to daydream is high, and often at the expense of productivity and clear communication. Mercury trine Mercury One example of conjunct in astrology is Mercury Conjunct Venus. It could be a time when promises and clarifications are made in love relationships. Things could change very quickly for you. Should take care not to exaggerate or boast or overestimate your resources or talents. Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Natal and Transit, Solar Eclipse April 20, 2023 Crisis of Confidence, Saturn Sextile Midheaven Natal and Transit, Mercury Retrograde April 21, 2023 Psychic Talent, Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit. Mercury Conjunct Sun (Retrograde) Boundaries in to, and out of, his headspace shifted as tho they were geared to planetary orbits and cycles. Your ability to concentrate and focus is enhanced now. Mercury square Sun However, it is more likely now than usual to hear criticism or news that makes you tense. The important thing is to stay flexible even if it is difficult to accept a compromise that causes delays in discussions or negotiations.
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