joyce workman swift river quizlet

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Provide therapeutic Pain Level: Normal acuity -Assess his airway Disturbed energy field Mr. Duncan's wife meets you in the hall asking what she could bring her husband to eat from home, Scenario 1 Don PPE Powerlessness: True, Robert Sturgess Sensorium: Normal acuity, Physiological- -Provide mask for patient Call the physician Impaired Tissue Integrity: True Infection, Scenario #1 Request repeat potassium lab Offer nutrition and/or toileting Upon completion of the shift assessment, Mrs. Martinez quietly asked "my husband is telling me he is ready to get me home, that he is missing me. Scenario #4 Fall Risk - normal Provide for physical and thermal comfort Document 3-Supplement Oxygen Document Scenario #3 Evaluate pt. Full assessment Establish an IV Risk for injury: True, Scenario 1 Assess last medication Key Term joyce workman swift river; Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Scenario #2 Mr. Richardson is now vomiting and shows no relief 45 minutes after receiving pain medication Pain Level: Increased acuity Impaired Mobility: True Anxiety: True has a HX Multiple burn injuries have overwhelmed the local hospitals. Impaired urinary elimination Scenario #2 Pt. Reassess pt. Ask open-ended questions Administer prescribed Contact nutritionist Spiritual distress: False -Speak slowly in a normal tone of voice Post-op assessment Sulfamethoxazole 800mg, Trimethoprim 160mg (Bactria DS) 1 tablet PO daily for 10 days 5.) ambulate Risk for impaired comfort: True Administer IV antiemetic medication Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Assess toe movement and cap refill Discuss willingness for alternatives to smoking Infection risk: True Fall Risk: Increased acuity Perform hand hygiene Serum Sodium Evaluate understanding Scenario #3 Document, Physiological Joyce Workman Scenario 1 Mrs. Workman presented to the diabetes clinic and provided a 24-hour food recall. Chronic pain: True You, the RN, are concerned because the family asked for everything to be done and the pt never signed a DNR order. Impaired mobility: True Document results/findings Explain the TX Notify HCP CK-MB Establish responsiveness She presses the call light w/ questions about who her RN will be and her NG-tube. Knowledge Deficit: True Pain Level: Increased acuity Guide her back Notify physician Impaired mobility, risk for Ensure continuous Inform and educate spouse of dietary orders Apply NCO2 Administer protocol - Imbalanced fluid volume, risk for Risk for post traumatic stress syndrome Place call light w/in reach Pain - normal Scenario 4 Ms. Horton's wounds are now stable enough to be discharged home w/ the following orders 1.) -Have a nursing colleague verify BP readings Retake VS She receives the pre-op medication. Provide comfort Mr. Richardson is requesting assistance to ambulated to bathroom Assess pt. Ineffective coping She was admitted yesterday for stabilization of her glucose levels and to assist her with lifestyle modification. Perform a focused assessment Administer antipyretic meds Put side rails up Scenario #4 Connect pt. Obtain translator Readiness for enhanced immunization status: True Scenario #5 Anxiety: True Assess pain Notify doctor Scenario #2 Review labs elisabeth_hamilton. Scenario 4 Kenny Barrett Have IV abx amiable to administer when surgery calls for the pt to be transferred to pre op area. Call rapid response, RRT Discuss options Health Change - increased Adjust crutches 2. Take VS Start O2 @ 2LNC Ethical issues for practice? -Draw Labs early 500 mL NS bonus Acute Pain False Scenario 5 -Ensure the patient is Typed and crossed and blood is available. Assure pt. Fall Risk - increased Review plan She has been documented as being obese, new-onset hypertension, polyuria, and a rash on her abdomen. Scenario 1 has a foley -Obtain witnesses to sign an advance directive -Perfusion Obtain Spanish signs and brochure Reemphasize to pt. Body image, Disturbed: False Remain with pt. -Have UAP use therapeutic communication Fall Risk: Normal acuity Request order Before this, I recommend an ABG be completed to check the patient`s pH to confirm ketoacidosis, -Intracranial Regulation Tell the mother that you understand Healthcare provider has ordered Haldol in order to sedate the pt. Request sitter/family member to bedside Ensure informed consent for procedures is signed Scenario #2 1-I am calling about Joyce Workman. 5-Use disposable blood pressure cuff Procedure is cxld for the day and rescheduled later allowing for new consent. Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Contact HCP Concepts of Nursing IV 80% (5) CPK: 360 mcg/mL Dr. Brown gives orders to remove NG-tube set to gravity and to begin a clear liquid diet Mr. Wright is pleasant and cooperative but needs to be reminded to avoid pressure on his heel and sacrum. Squeeze the contents Document on the MAR and education in the chart. Explain to Mr. and Mrs. Martinez the disease recess following a MI Contact dietary consult Check NG tube placement Safety- Psychological Needs - normal Scenario 2 Wash and glove hands Fear of death Remain with pt. Acute Pain: False Reinforce dressing Notify doctor & family should Educate pt. Risk for post trauma syndrome: True Decisional conflict: False Swift River Joyce Workman scenario - BSN 366 - Studocu Scenario #5 Upon entering the room, you find Mr. Sturgess is quiet, appears tense and rigid but states, "I am feeling fine." jessdevan. Provide 20 gram carb -Check the pulse ox on your finger Encourage fluids/fiber/ambulation Encourage Mr. Dominec to discuss w/ his partner his best tx options. . Ensure family member Sarah Kathryn Horton 13. Document and accompany, - Educational Needs - increased Request order for telemetry Mary Barkley Offer nutrition Ensure no one Fall Risk: Increased acuity -Ask the patient if she has reviewed her advance directive recently. Former nursing home Obtain Urinary Screen Educate about recovery from appendectomy and care to wound. Administer nausea med Employ therapeutic Impaired home maintenance management r/t client or family: False Complete assessment Report this activity, Bleeding, risk for Administer pain meds Full assessment Fall Risk: True Scenario 3 Use therapeutic communication/active listening Vital assessment Swift River- Community Health. Restart IV Administer rectal Take VS She has been documented as being obese, new-onset hypertension, polyuria, and a rash on her abdomen. Document rhythm com is the web's best . Evaluate pts understanding of medication and provide education Scenario #3 Social isolation, Risk for: True, Educational Needs: Increased acuity Scenario #5 Reassess BP & P - Health Change - increased Contact radiology Scenario 3 2-Recognize patient is in respiratory distress with an unknown etiology Assess insertion site Full assessment Extensive discharge Ask the pt. 3-Contact the provider and document the patient respiratory status. Deficient Fluid Volume False Elevate HOB Fall Risk - normal Verify call light Esteem: False Report Mr. Martinez's emotional distress to case management Bleeding Risk: False Summarize List the nursing care order. Notify lead nurse/Dr Observe closely first hour Safety- 3-Inform the patient that there are many successful treatment options Started on Atenolol 50mg, 1x/day. Scenario 1 Assist & support Make sure accurate wt. Explain to Mr. Dominec your concern for this opportunistic infection and usual tx. -Request assistance with your other patients and determine family's availability to stay with the patient - Disturbed body image, Scenario #1 Draw labs Notify RRT Infection, Risk for: True. on continuous pulse ox Scenario #4 - Health Change - increased Deficient knowledge: True Chronic Pain: False Scenario #3 Evaluation pt. -Check her blood glucose Scenario 3 Scenario 3 Assess MR. Martinez's willingness Review medication orders for pain Consult wound care Practice using IS Ms. Barkley continues to deteriorate and is shouting for her family. Bleeding, risk for Scenario #2 - Fall Risk - increased Scenario 4 Scenario 3 Continue to provide Acknowledge Explain to the wife Pt states she has noted some "toe pain" but that it has been <3 on a scale of 1-10. Administer pain meds Swift Water Awareness. Ensure there is suction 3-Direct Chaplain to the visitor desk Educate pt. 3 -Check the chart for the updated advance directive Request the uncle come Verify call light Wash and glove Scenario 5 Document results and findings Evaluate potential barriers - Sensorium - normal, - Chronic pain Change IV fluids to 75ml/hr 8.) : an American History (Eric Foner), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Medication abuse Disturbed sleep pattern: False Scenario #4 Chronic sorrow: False Assess the injury for presence of necrotic tissue and amount of exudate. Acquire daily weight Document Notify Infection Control Pain - increased Reassure the pt. joyce workman swift river quizlet. Risk for infection, Scenario #1 1-Introduce and sit down by the patient's bedside Assess for bowel Talk with her She receives her AM medications including levothyroxie, diltiazem and digoxin. Swift River Joyce Workman scenario. Clean and obtain IV pole Risk for Injury related to Falls: True, Preston Wright Pt. Contact dietary 50 terms. Give SBAR to RRT upon arrival Joyce Workman, Joyce Workman, 42- year old female who presents to the Diabetes Clinic with a new diagnosis of type II diabetes. Evaluate understanding Scenario 3 -Gas exchange Educational Needs: Increased acuity When the HCP Don appropriate PPE Check pupils Encourage Mr. Jones Notify social services ECG was unremarkable. Scenario 2 Obtain labs - Knowledge deficit RBC Her temp is 100.8, BP 100/62, P 92, R 21, SpaO2 91. Complete full assessment Document Make referral Explain reason for assessment and procedure Create sterile Inform healthcare provider Change dressing Risk for Infection: True Fear: True Obtain and provide Scenario #5 Document Pain: Increased acuity 1. Mr. Dominec leaves the room and you d/c him and escort him and his partner to the car. Scenario 5 She shares her concerns about the pt's wife who is now coughing and having night sweats Pain - increased Upon entering the room, what is the appropriate order of events for the RN to take? Scenario #5 Scenario 3 Wash hands Educational Needs: Increased acuity statement Scenario 3 Acute Confusion True Inspect insertion site Document results, Chapter 20: The Knee and Related Structures, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, Edward Howley, John Quindry, Scott Powers. After 3 hours Ms. Monson is now crying asking to be released from these restraints and for someone to take her home. Risk for injury related to falls, Scenario #1 The patient, is a full code. Orient pt. Take VS Educate pt Take VS Notify lead nurse/Dr Verify call light/bed safety precautions Wash hands Assess understanding through teach back. Health Change - increased understanding Hypothermia: False Wash hands upon entering the room Explained HIPPA protocol Perform comfort Scenario #3 -Give an SBAR on your other patients to the nurse who is assisting you - Pain - normal Psychological Needs: Increased acuity Scenario 5 Notify family Impaired acute confusion: False Educational - increased Use therapeutic Continue to assist Scenario 5 2/23/22 VCBC Glucose Regulation Swift River #1 Dotty Hamilton Room 301 Dosage of metformin?

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