how old was zipporah when she married moses

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Therefore, one of the interpretations asserts that God was angry at Moses because his son was not circumcised, and could not be identified as a Hebrew. Examples include the films The Ten Commandments (1956),[24] The Prince of Egypt (1998),[25] and Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014). Zipporah was one of them. In the Bible, women are often praised when they are obedient but they sometimes disappear from the text after giving birth or getting married. [4] Hobab is also the name of Jethro's son in Numbers 10:29 . Those "strangers in a strange land," the non-Israelites of another race living in the Promised Land, received the same blessings as those natural citizens who obeyed the Eternal. Expository And they said, Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah: First English Translation Compared with the Masoretic Version. They had several rough patches in their marriage in part because of Moses devotion to his responsibilities. Remember the only way to know if scripture is valid is to read it. This article helped to throw more light on issues and matters concerning one of the Biblical figures Moses. [citation needed], Moses' wife is referred to as a "Cushite woman" in Numbers 12. Above you can see that Reuel (Jethro) was Moses father in law and the priest of Midian too. Yocheved - These midrashim depict Moses as not wanting to part from his wife and children, but rather as wishing them to participate in the formative process of the people of Israel. The situation remains unclear to us. Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. Thanks for the expository (article). Moses therefore fled from Egypt, and arrived in Midian. The law you quote is in Deuteronomy, which was not yet in existence when Moses married the Cushite - it was spoken at the very end of Moses' life (Deut 4:44-5:1). Answer: Some think Moses married a woman of a different race than he was. [12][bettersourceneeded], "Cushite woman" becomes in the Greek Septuagint and Aethiopissa in the Latin Vulgate Bible version (4th century). I bless you for the information and now i have an greater understanding of the life of Moses and his wifes. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Zipporah did not seem to always let Moses know what she needed. Zipporah is presented as the leaders wife, who suffers from the life of abstinence decreed for her husband. 40 And he approached the stick and he looked, and behold the name of the Lord God of hosts was engraved thereon, written and developed upon the stick. There, Moses stood up for seven young women who were drawing water who were being driven away from the well by shepherds. The Torah does not specify when Zipporah left Moses, nor the reason for this parting. InNum 12:1Miriamand Aaron speak against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he married, but they do not mention her name. It does show that both parents bore responsibility for raising their child up in alignment with Gods ordinances. More proof of Moses marriage to the Ethiopian queen Tharbis known as Adoniah in the book of Jasher can be found below: 30 So Moses took the city by his wisdom, and the children of Cush placed him on the throne instead of Kikianus king of Cush. The Israelites, too, are called Kushiim in Amos 9:7: To me, O Israelites, you are just like the Ethiopians [Kushiim], because of the difference between them and the other peoples of the earth, since they observe the commandments (Sifrei on Numbers chap. Countertraditions While she is introduced early in Exodus, very little is said about her. The Bible does not say when Zipporah and her sons rejoined Reuel/Jethro, only that after he heard of what God did for the Israelites, he brought Moses' family to him. There's not a lot mentioned about her in the Bible; however, she's known for one major thing and it's a bit strange. 50 So that stick remained planted in the garden of Reuel, until he came who had a right to it and took it. After the Giving of the Torah, a life of sexual abstinence was imposed on Moses. The text does not reveal that Zipporah was the Cushite woman spoken of in Numbers 12. [3] In Exodus 2:18, Jethro is also referred to as Reuel, and in the Book of Judges ( Judges 4:11) as Hobab. In Numbers 12 why did Moses get away with intermarriage? Since modesty is appropriate for the relations between a man and his wife, how did Miriam learn of Mosess abstinence? Read the latest from JWA from your inbox. [6] The idea that Moses separated from Zipporah could be adduced from the description of Jethro bringing Moses his wife, "after she had been sent home" ( ) in Exod. The misconception is that Zipporah was Ethiopian and she was not, she was Shemitic. Note that God makes no distinction between those who are Israelites and those who are "strangers" (Gentiles, aliens, sojourners, those who were not of Israel by "race") in regard to the need to offer sacrifices, the ability to receive forgiveness of sins, and even the punishment for presumptuous sins! In a third midrashic tableau, Zipporah initiated the conversation and spoke with Miriam, Miriam told this to Aaron, and he added to her words and the two discussed the matter. Zipporah was called a Cushite, meaning at least part if not all of her heritage was from Africa. This passage can be difficult to understand, and different thinkers and theologians have various interpretations of what happened here. Wm. In thanks, Jethro--known as the Priest of Midian--invited him to stay in his camp, and gave him Zipporah to marry. After Moses succeeded in taking the Israelites out of Egypt, and won a battle against Amalek, Reuel came to the Hebrew camp in the wilderness of Sinai, bringing with him Zipporah and their two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. The Truth About Moses' Wife Zipporah - Grunge She heroically saves Moses and her sons from a random attack from an angel by cutting off her sons foreskin; the explanation for this act is unclear. There are some people in the Bible whose lives we only see in bits and pieces, and Zipporah is one of those figures. In the Torah, Zipporah was one of the seven daughters of Jethro, a Kenite shepherd who was a priest of Midian. [23], Zipporah is often included in Exodus-related drama. Shalom! If youre equating marriage to sex that is not a biblical understanding. The Bible records, She gave birth to a son, and he called his name Gershom, for he said, I have been a sojourner in a foreign land (Exodus 2:22). The Healing of Moses Leprous Arm (above) and The Return to Egypt, and Zipporah Circumcising her Son (below).Courtesy of the John Rylands Library, Manchester. Zipporah found very this difficult and she Miriam, forming a bond of feminine solidarity as Miriam lent an attentive ear and tried to help. Zipporah, or Tzipora (/zpr, zpr/; Hebrew: , ippr, "bird"),[a] is mentioned in the Book of Exodus as the wife of Moses, and the daughter of Reuel/Jethro, the priest and prince of Midian.[2]. How can we know which is correct? I wouldnt call Jasher non biblical. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well. When he was with Jethro, he saw how fine were her actions. She is the mother of Moses' two sons: Eliezer, and Gershom. of Moses' wife. So the answer to the question, whether or not Moses married an Ethiopian has been answered, and the answer is, Yes! Miriam and Aaron spoke about Moses because of the beautiful woman he had married, for he had separated from the beautiful woman he married. She takes a flint and cuts off her sons foreskin. In the Biblical account, when Moses and Zipporah were on their way to Egypt, they stayed in a night encampment, where they were in mortal danger: the Lord encountered him and sought to kill him (Ex. Moses and the Kushite Woman: Classic Interpretations and Philo's

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