hoi4 defending russia

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Anti-Air upgrade on SPAA is 15% per level instead of 5% like gun. Add defenses along the Italian border (Try to get 10/10 defences all across the German and Italian borders) , then put your men on all that defensive ground. 23. Archived post. Declare war on Lithuania and go around their army. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. What tactics do you use? #2. Which seems to drain German manpower in quick time. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. When playing as the Soviet Union in Hearts of Iron IV, there are some rules that I recommend following, even if you decide not to adopt my military tactics. AI cannot handle flanking maneuvers, you can trap their whole army between Polish ground and Moscow. You must ensure that you have air superiority so that the Axis forces do not break through your front line. Comprehensive Guide on How to Play the Soviet Union - Hoi4 - Part 1 71Cloak 19.5K subscribers Subscribe 1.2K 68K views 1 year ago This guide is every major click you are going to need to make. Hearts of Iron IV General Discussions - Steam Community Best Defensive Line for Soviet Union : r/hoi4 - Reddit Viewed a. More soft attack is always good, but pure infantry has very cost effective soft attack by themselves against the breakthrough of even the heaviest 14-4 assault infantry template. Can anyone be please more specific how many factories they are building? Why so far back, though? Behind that was whatever mobile armor/motorized I could muster.generally worked towards a 5/5 armor/motor division. It is rich in both natural and human resources and has decent technology. 4) Conquering Benelux as far-right/ far-left Belgium or Netherlands, then fending off the Nazis until the US come to your help. Germany took almost all of Europe, capitulated everyone except the UK and its colonies, and then declared war on me (Scandinavia and the Baltic States haven't joined the war). Is it a good idea to leave few titles to Axis so I could build my forts behind rivers? Hearts Of Iron IV: By Blood Alone Review: Planes and More! I also play grand strategy games badly on Youtube. Vanilla german AI is just so powerful 300 divisions are not going to beat them, germany has 500 factories by 1941 and outproduces USA itself. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Russia has infinite manpower, but only limited factories. was a piece of cake. Stick to historical timeline becouse AI right now need every help you can give him. The Soviet Union (officially "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" or "USSR") is a major country and the leader of the Comintern faction. After 1941 it will look very grim as the war starts out due to the sheer number of Soviet divisions, but it will quickly get better. 55K 2.4M views 4 months ago It's safe to say the Ukraine invasion isn't going the way Putin has planned but is it a total failure for Russia? Here is the three choices I recommend choosing during the Great Purge: By having an advanced military, this will give you an upper hand over the enemy. Even though it worked in long term, i feel like i kinda crapped myself because taking back those forts were hard. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. From what i observed, there is few lines you can create, but i'd like to focus on Stalin Line (from Riga to Crimea) and basically the Axis border. All you have to do is hold the line and watch them bleed equipment until most of their divisions are half-strength or less. What are some things I can do to properly defend a border? Pregame I had civilian mode on and I even strengthened the Soviet Union pregame in custom settings. #1. This is so you can construct level-four land forts across the entire border (including the border with Japan and her puppet states), once you have secured Eastern Poland from the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and the Baltic States from the anti-facist diplomacy. And secondly, what division templates are you using? The best way that I've found to defeat the Soviets is to prepare for a slog. I'm new to HOI4 and playing the Soviets against Germany. Pls Help! I steamrolled russia and lost 200k people total. You are using an out of date browser. If you go infantry, get 120-150 7inf+2art divisions and make sure at the start of campaign to switch to superior firepower doctrine. Thanks! In my Soviet gameplay, i used the second option. Sorry again for the late reply. Furthermore, you must make sure you have artillery units in your divisions (or support artillery at the very least). . I won my last war in 1942 after i encircled 70 divisions and shortly afterwards 50 divisions. After 1941, youll have to add 3-4 artillery companies (and, preferably, 1 anti-tank company) to these divisions to actually make it to Berlin. Make sure to build enough fighters to defend your air zones. This Hearts of Iron IV Soviet guide will help provide you with some essential guidance and tips to help secure world domination under a communist sphere of influence. You can dig in very hard so soviets can't push you and then push forward with the planning bonus. Gun most important upgrade on tanks, then reliability. During your attack on the Axis, make use of your tanks by pushing deep into enemy territory and cutting off divisions, which allow you to encircle enemy troops, making your attack more efficient. Privacy Policy. I'm aware a lot of people use infantry spam, putting no emphasis on tanks or motorized on the front lines, only using them later to push through once the German army is worn out. There is not as much river coverage if you do that, and you give up more IC. I have tried this with 40 widths and I still require 250 divisions (40 width) to simply stop the powerful combined Axis in 1941 and they still outproduce the USSR or 500 (20 width). Then add 2 points reliability and save XP for tanks. For more information, please see our You should maintain a 6 million army to win the war. I will not list every single one, but the ones I feel you should go for first. Don't make the mistake of placing too many units in an area or they WILL be worn down the same way as the AI. Did you build a war factory by the age of 41? The following recommendations are based on my military tactics, which you can find a little bit further in the guide. The key to beat Barbarossa, is to have enough civilian factories [CF's] to make LOTS of war factories [WF's] to produce the equipment you'll NEED to fit out fully the divisions you make; at least 200-300-ish . But i have lost campaign after campaign every single time when attempting to invade the USSR. in my experience encircle, destroy pocket, repeat and repeat. How many civilian factories do you have in 37 38 and 39 for example and around what time do you switch to militairy factories and how many do you build? Here's how to reroll your account in Honkai: Star Rail, including a look at what the best characters to reroll for are. lol The fact that anyone would need a strategy game to beat brain-dead AI is hilarious. Contents 1 Geography 2 Events Tanks is 1 or 2 divisions with light tanks. In fact at the moment I don't like playing USSR because its just too easy to repel Barbarossa and push the Germans all the way back to Berlin. With the potential for massive industrial expansion, and perpetual manpower, the following tips should help you to make the Soviet Union an unstoppable force. It is important to note that, that once enemy divisions start to break through your front line, it means only one thing defeat as your divisions will god onto tiles with no forts constructed on them. HOI4 atm is a really game because of so many reasons the main one being AI is no challenge. 2. i form a line along the east side of a river stretching north and south in RUSSIA. Before you proceed your main attack, you need to ensure all of the Axis forces nations have their conscription policies on the highest possible. With this, you may be wondering what the guide is actually about? So, here is a list of priorities for your research: This is where my military tactics come in. From what i saw from other players, they simply destroy the every factory between the border and Line, leaving soldiers both in border and line. I found self propelled artillery to be particularly efficient against Russia - high soft attack and shouldnt face too much that can pierce it. Russia deploys at least 1,500 warheads on hundreds of missiles based from air, land, and sea platforms that can strike the entire U.S. homeland. Specify when and how many. Lost horrifically, Moscow and Stalingrad falls within a year. All rights reserved. about three dogs: an American dog, and a Polish dog and a Russian dog. It took about a year and a half for me, launching in March 1941. I had almost all my national focuses completed. Close. Real Life Soviet Union had 2.5 million men on the frontlines in 1941, 5.3 million in 1942, 6.7 million in 1943, 6.5 million in 1944 and 6.3 million in 1945. Defense of Glorious Soviet Union is an artform, as reality kicks in on Day 2; when you see the Logistical ledger shouting at you in line-items of screaming RED ! I'm running an un-modded, un-DLC'ed version, as I just picked up the game last week. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Soviet Union Guide - Defense in Depth : r/hoi4 - Reddit SPG gun, reliability, armor is optional if you have extra XP, TD gun, reliability, armor is useful for making space marines with TDs but can be left off. Hi, thanks for the comment. Finland was getting eaten in autum winter 40 and I was going t let that happen but changed my mind in winter 40 and joined the war with the Soviets. I prefer 1939.)? 3) Having an alternative reality German 1936 Revolution, with huge democratic German faction, alternative to Allies, and later creating the European Union in 1940s. The billionaire founder of the aluminium company Rusal is one of the few Russian business leaders to have criticised the management of the economy at a time when the full-scale invasion of. You can beat Germany quite easily as the Soviet union and some tips here were already really useful. I know the video is long but I didn't know what else to cut. Prepare for a lot of micro creating breakthroughs and destroying pockets. I mean, come on, this is Germany, not late-game Allies. This is so youre not totally unprepared when the Axis invaded you in 1941. For Kaiserreich Id love to see a united Italy, or a successful Mittelafrika. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you know your divisions can be pierced despite upgrades, invest in engine instead of armor. Please don't reply to a post that's dead for months. r/hoi4 on Reddit: Best division template(s) to use to defend Soviet The plan was to rebuild the high seas fleet and focus for the next years on building the heaviest ships possible, battleships and battlecruisers were the sole production and the increased dockyards from naval rearmament helped great, chromium was not going to be an issue with a early Yugoslavia war. Fun Fact: If you switch to the Superior Firepower doctrine and install the unique Armor Genius advisor BEFORE you complete the Great Purge, he actually gets killed instead of the Mass Assault expert Tukhachevsky. I am thinking to swap 2 artillery for 1 anti tank and 1 artillery. In terms of the order you should do your national focus tree, here is what I have found works best for me. Hearts Of Iron IV: Soviet Union Guide Fellow comrade, you have been called to action to take command of the mighty Red Army. How to defend France? Germany will most probably have better tech than you so they may pull off good barbarossa. Use 4-1 or 8-2 cav-LT templates to grind panzer leader (if 10/24 or more divs are tanks, youll grind panzer regardless of what div type does the attacking), Purposefully avoid grinding infantry and panzer (5-9 tank divs) so other traits grind faster, Have 250+ army XP to boost heavy 3s upon research, 100+ army XP to boost HSPAA3 upon research, Run war bonds twice while fighting Finland, start immediately upon declaration, Radek (-75 PP), Tukhachevsky, Navy and Air Force, Infrastructure 20w pure inf support AA, Stalin Bois 20w pure inf support engineers, AA, arty, Swamp 14-3-3 inf-art-AA, support engineers, AA, arty, maintenance, signal, Tanks mot/mech 12-7-2 and 11-8-2 HT-mot/mech-HSPAA, 11-7-1-2-Mod-mech-ModTD-ModSPAA.

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