gracilaria vs chondrus crispus
octubre 24, 2023This was a helpful and joyful read, rather than another sales pitch. I ended up purchasing Genus Gracilaria and Chondrus Crispus from two of the sellers you recommended and WOW what a difference they are from what I purchased off of Amazon. Why is Chondrus crispus the ultimate seaweed supplement to add to your daily routine? Epi-phytes and other contaminants (sand, shells) were eliminated by successive washings with sea water and deionised water. Both Calcium and Magnesium work to help keep your bones in good shape which is needed for proper joint health. Amazing huh. Dont overlook the health benefits of the all-natural products! Kim Kardashian loves sea moss smoothies! To provide people with REAL and accurate information and high quality! Pool Farmed sea moss is different than Ocean Farmed Sea Moss. Unfortunately some people do "rope grow" that as well. Types of MOSS, could be used as a drug to help human . Thats why you often come across different names for sea moss, including Irish moss, Caribbean moss, Jamaican moss, and others. Any type, including genus gracilaria, is potent so you dont need much to experience the benefits. However as I always say, DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE and decide for yourself which is best for you. I've been purchasing IRISH MOSS (it's labeled chondrus crispus) but it looks yellowish/tan). For an in depth overview of Chondrus crispus, its benefits, nutrient content, and nutritional data, read this post: Despite some similarities, Chondrus crispus is generally considered the superior sea moss variety due to its higher nutrient content and more potent medicinal properties. Sea moss belongs to the red algae group. Six Reasons Why Seaweed Granules Are! Due Diligence and all that jazz. This multi colored Full Spectrum Sea Moss has a plethora of minerals and vitamins that the body needs daily for proper function. If youre seeking authentic, wild-harvested Irish mossChondrus crispus -look no further! Even before then, though, Irish moss was often used in folk medicine. Fill a bowl with water and put your sea moss in to soak for 4-8 hours. Well go through and answer some frequently asked questions so you can have all the information at your fingertips before diving into this enterprise. Overall I hope this article gave you a better understanding of the different types of sea moss. Chondrusis usually reddish/purple and darker than the tropical species, which are often pale or straw colored because they are exposed to more intense sunlight while growing and during solar drying. Gracilaria - Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetic properties are attributed to these compounds. Not so long ago most of our Irish moss sales were to specialty ingredients customers such as beer brewers. Cobalamin 0%. It is not intended for people with eating disorders, pregnant women, women who are nursing, infants, or children. This is not a complete list. However, the nutrients and their density may vary depending on the origins, as seaweeds get their nutrients from the water in which they grow. If seaweeds are compared to terrestrial plants, they have a higher proportion of essential fatty acids as eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids. Certified Organic, sustainably hand-harvested, and good for you and the planet. Chondrus crispus is a green and red seaweed, which are abundant along the North Atlantic coasts, Europe, Africa and Ireland. Thank you for taking the time to educate! This species also grows all year long, making it more readily available throughout the year. Its hard to verify today, but possibly Dr. Sebi was aware ofpublications going back to 1985or even earlier to 1971 describing Irish moss tank culture in Nova Scotia. This moss grows as a thin fingered string that is often yellow or golden. PMID: 31480675; PMCID: PMC6769643. As you can see, you can have a variety of light purple and even green color "leafs" in one bag. Your body wont turn one chemical into another and cause more problems so as long as you consult with your doctor, the supplement wont cause such major issues. On basis of these results, the effects of cell wall polysaccharide degrading enzymes were studied on some other red seaweeds. Both kelp and sea moss contain valuable nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to support good health and combat heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. This means it's more readily available. There are a lot of good vendors out now. Im so glad I found this article. So you see, these are both sea mosses but different species. Once your moss products are dried and sealed, theyll last a very long time without an expiration date. While the packaging may not be as flashy, the benefits of Irish and sea moss are highly touted across the health supplement realm! Irish sea moss: benefits, consumption and faq - Sebi Guide Seaweeds are macroalgae. Yet the similarities don't stop there. Genus smells too but is mild in comparison to Irish Moss which might turn some people off. All these names refer to the same seaweed (sea moss, Chondrus crispus). You're so right. (Not as much as wildcrafted but way more than pool grown sea moss). Irish moss has a long tradition in Great Britain and Ireland for treating respiratory ailments such as sore throats, persistent coughs, and the flu. The algal material (10 g) was cut In the video above, in the Genus Gracilara section, at mark 0:45 (jump to video), Dr. said: "It locks onto a rock, onto a rock, and from that rock, it receives its nutrients. How can you tell what might be fake Irish moss? The high levels of iodine within the product itself means you should always use caution when using and consuming Irish moss and other sea moss products. Gracilaria moss is much more widely available. These pool grown sea mosses are often lacking some critical nutrients and components as the water in which its grown doesnt have the same type of habitat. It can't grow on ropes which is why it's not often farmed and why supply can be limited. What you may not know, is that there are actually two main varieties of sea moss: Chondrus crispus and Genus gracilaria. Because it is more rare, and not available all year long or easy to grow in pools, there is a reduced risk in getting fake or pool grown sea moss. Put it into a glass jar and top it off with a lid. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical advice. Depending on where it grows, sea moss is sometimes referred to as Irish moss, Jamaican moss, or Caribbean moss. Remember Irish Moss is the Chondrus Crispus species and not Genus Gracilaria regardless of the color. Location affects mineral and iodine content, and temperature affects lipid composition and probably other aspects as well. Its scientifically known as Chondrus crispus. It can quickly become toxic and some seaweed can contain this naturally. - Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetic properties. Graciliara boosts your immune health giving you a better way to fight off colds and flu-like symptoms. Related article: How much sea moss can you take daily? I have spent my own money (with the exception of one company who sent me a free sample of their product) and time trying different companies and these are the ones I like so far. However, they differ in nutrient types and density. Well, I never thought I would see the day that sea moss become a trend but here we are! This drastically affects the nutrient content available in this form as it is not grown in the rhythm of the ocean. If you grow your own food (gardening), it's no longer "wild" as there was human intervention. Only you can know what works for you. Potassium is an electrolyte found in the cells of your muscle and the right amount of potassium can help reduce muscle cramps. By now, most of us know irish sea moss is an edible algae that is commonly used in traditional medicine and as a dietary supplement. Species type, location, and temperature are far more important. There are about 190Gracilariaspecies, but only about two dozen are used by humans as food or medicine. In this post we take a tour through the Irish moss landscape to highlight some of the important differences, and similarities, between the various sea moss options. People also sometimes wonder if sea moss is the same as kelp. We sell Maine Coast Irish Sea Moss (Chondrus Crispus) and obtain our sea moss directly from the harvester. Wild or farmed, seaweed absorbs minerals and other nutrients from seawater and not the substrate its attached to. It can grow both in salt water and fresh water. So yes, Irish Moss has A LOT of minerals and maybe they contain all the ESSENTIAL MINERALS the body needs (same goes for Genus Gracilara). The major advantage of using this species of sea moss besides its high nutrient content (Read Sea Moss Nutritional Benefits), is that it grows all year round. A traditional Irish recipe is to simmer about cup of Irish moss with 3 cloves (optional) in about 2 cups of water, strain, add the juice of one lemon plus honey to taste, let cool and thicken, and take as needed to relieve symptoms. Your email address will not be published. Check out this video below where he uses the name "Chondrus Crispus" but holds up a piece of Genus. They also contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and other beneficial compounds like carrageenan and anthocyanins. While iodine is rare, youre more likely to experience an iodine deficiency than an overabundance but since sea moss is so rich in iodine it can be easy to overuse. Its difficult for land-based tank farms to economically compete with sea-based farms that have vast acreages at their disposal and lower operational and energy costs. Species is most likelyEucheuma denticulatum(spinosum). So glad it was helpful!!! I personally consume both, more so the Genus Gracilaria simply because it's most readily available. So I felt like they mislabeled it - I contacted the company asking for clarification about where it's harvested and the color difference, thinking it was supposed to be purple. If the ground gets too dry or there are low moisture content parts of the plant can begin to dry out and turn brown. Ive been looking to buy legit sea moss and I dont know if I can trust the amazon vendors. Sea moss is designated as seaweed and is a macro-algae. In my opinion, that makes it a decent option. This variety only grows on rocks and therefore pool grown sea moss of this variety is limited. While both species vary in color, Chondrus crispus ranges from gold to dark purple or even red. With numerous products coming onto the market, we are currently recommending this holistic product to our readers interested in trying out Sea Moss. Chondrusand the other sea mosses have a similar, multi-branched frilly appearance, butChondrustypically has fanlike, flattened blades whereas the tropical species tend to have slender, finger like projections on their fronds., Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Some people really don't know that there is a difference in sea moss. But below are the companies I have used to obtain it and when available. There are several species of green seaweeds you can put on your plate, including Sea lettuce, Dulse, Chlorella, Gutweed, Sea grapes (also called green caviar), and others. Depending on its origins, there may be variations in color and nutrient density, but we are still biologically talking about sea moss. While both varieties grow naturally on rocks, Genus gracilaria can also be grown on ropes. Just like with any supplement there are differences between brands and breeds of the plants used in sea moss extracts.
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