ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript

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"Edd: "Coleoptera Lampyridae, Ed. "[May pins him up and proceeds to nurse him with a bottle of ketchup. [May begins to chase them in circles. The impact with the wall shakes the boys off, and they fall on the grass outside Eddy's house. ]Ed: "Eddy!" "Nazz: "Oh, I'm okay." [He runs after Ed. [Nobody replies.] [Edd takes it from Ed. "Edd: [angrier] "It's surprising, because your stubborn, inane desire to shock, sandbag and swindle is what put us here in the first place!!!! ]Eddy: [noticing Ed] "Hey, why don't you quit standing there and do something"Ed: "WHALE!" Ed, Edd n Eddy tells the story of three best friends, who band together to tackle life's most daunting challenge - puberty. Even more coincidentally, Kevin's bike is parked against it. IT'S ME! "Edd: [scared] "Eddy, the laws of probability can be a real mean"Ed: [garbled] "Shut my mouth! "Ed: [joyful] "He's got moo-moos, Double D! ]Captain Melonhead: "Holy Toledo, Splinter! We then see the ants again before getting a long shot of the destroyed area. ", [A familiar pair of legs tramples down the sidewalk. ]Captain Melonhead: [crazy] "This is your craazziest plan ever, Plank! "Kevin: "Get a grip, Nazz! Once finished, he moves out and grabs the bucket, not noticing that Wilfred has walked off. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show / Quotes - TV Tropes Nazz's gag falls off]Eddy's Brother: "Just a sec." Big bro says so. Jonny enters a giant, melon-themed chamber. "Jimmy: "Okay. ]Edd: "Ed! "Edd: [looking through his ties] "Opinion please, Ed. [He begins to slip out.] [She turns to Sarah with a bucket of paint.] [wrestling with it] "This thing must come" [It snaps back onto his head. "Eddy: "What are ya?" May giggles in anticipation, and her sisters join in. [Once Captain Melonhead sees the inside of the bus, though, his courage wavers. "[Eddy's feet pound the ground as he races to escape Kevin. "[Nazz ignores him. He then looks at it. [Eddy snickers, and Edd goes off to do something. "Edd: [reading] "In case of movie, break glass? Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show: Writers Edition! "[The Gourd spins around evilly, laughing insanely. All because of our misguided chicanery! [He points to a loading dock for the building: the Lemon Brook Gag Factory. The door slams behind them. [He approaches some stairs.] Eddy proceeds to do all the locks. [He hugs his big brother tightly.] They then pick it up on the other side and continue to run, giggling. ]Jimmy: "Second verse, same as the first! [He grabs his friends.] "Edd: "What would you do without me, Eddy? You're heading back into the swamp! The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. ], [Sarah cuts a hole in a cardboard box and looks through it. Nazz warms her hands by the fire. The car flies into the air and over the wood. ]Ed: [belly rumbling] "Yep. This rage train ain't stoppin till I thump those three twerps! About the ending of Big Picture Show : ededdneddy - Reddit "[Eddy steps out with a cleaver buried in his forehead. "[Nazz shoves him away from the bike, grabs it, and runs with it. I should have never let you leave the cul-de-sac! "Nazz: "What was up with that? A half-finished bottle of soda and a can of wood varnish occupy each end of the board. "We'll never find my brother, Double D."Edd: "Never say never, Eddy. "Edd: "Not again! "Edd: "We seem to be on a Ferris wheel! [He starts to run on the cars, spinning the wheel around. [Sarah clamps her hand over Jimmy's mouth. By the time you read this, I will be longfaroh, dear." Ed! All I know is we're stuck in a swamp off the middle of nowhere!" The bug flies off and hits a sunflower. The scam, my brotherthiswhen am I gonna learn, Double D?" "Edd: "I think you mean naive, Eddy. "Yeeeesssss" [serious] "The goody-goody-two-shoe days of Captain Melonhead and Splinter have come to an end!" Suddenly, Ed grabs him. My bike's thrashed!" Do you think this is party time for 1999? ]Edd: "Oh, now look what we've done! "Ed: [panicking] "Food for Ed! Kevin skids his bike to a stop. Foul!" "Eddy: "For what? "[An arm reaches through the space where the doorknob used to be. SHAKLAHAM! If this is some kind of foolish joke you're playing, it's not funny. What? "Eddy: [awestruck, to Edd] "I told you he's a whiz at telling time! ]Ed: "We are not long for this world! ]Kevin: "Gah! [He labels the rock. Edd failed. ", [Nazz rubs two sticks together. [He gallops around, looking for it.] "You're just in time. "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "There's no time left? Eddy then hands Edd the glass and gestures for him to use it to listen. Lupin and his gang had no choice but to help out the Eds. [He tosses it in the sand.] "Edd: "I've had enough!" Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show - Archive Spotting Sarah and Jimmy, he jumps up and grabs his sponges. He grabs the vacuum cleaner and affects a falsetto. Suddenly, he stops. [Tears leak from his eyes. "[Above them, Sarah and Jimmy cower, clinging to the leaves of a sunflower. De. ]Marie: [picking him up] "Aw, my man doesn't need to give me any flowers." They come closer together. He takes one out and looks around. "Eddy: "Those chumps'll never catch us now! "Lee: "Taking care of our boyfriends. "[The Eds look up and spot Wilfred's tail acting like a bottle opener on the roof. [unwrapping the caramel apple] "See? He then walks over to one of the seats and takes out a canteen. "Jimmy: Ed, Edd, Eddy, Jimmy, Nazz, Sarah, Kevin, & Rolf: [As the kids sing the song, Wilfred eats out of Captain Melonhead's downed helmet. Suddenly, a rope with a melon tied to its end goes flying. [His belt gives way, and he plunges to the ground.] As it does this, Edd turns green, and Eddy gripped the wheel as he was thrown out the window. In the lane, a familiar red hedge rises. Ed, Edd n Eddy is an American-Canadian animated comedy television series created by Canadian adult cartoonist Danny Antonucci exclusively for Cartoon Network, premiering January 4th, 1999, and ultimately concluding on November 8th, 2009 with a made-for-television film titled Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show. ]Edd: "Hardly." Cai! Bouncing off that, he flies into the air and falls into a wheelbarrow full of clothes. ]Eddy: "Oh, Ed" [He holds out the item.] ]Edd: "Is that Ed's" [He quickly gets up. "Edd: "Lost souls are we, gentlemen, doomed for eternity!" "Help me out of this molasses, it's trying to swallow me. ]Nazz: "Whoa! This is the transcript for the scene where Jonny and Plank take the bus and the heroes are in the swamp in Tino Tonitini, Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Big Picture Show. He is trying to write a goodbye note. He was the royal cook for the king of Englishland. ]Eddy: [imitating his mother] "Um, my little Eddy's not home right now! ]Nazz: "Kevin, stop!" Prepare yourself for a merciless thrashing!" He fell for it like a ton of canned hams. "Ed: [joyous] "Baby sister! [leaping into the air ecstatically] "WE'RE HERE!" And we got burned again. ], [As Kevin screams at the sky, the camera moves back to the park. "WILFRED!!! This happens numerous times as the kids watch, shocked. "[Ed puts some bread in a toaster and sets it to go off before grabbing a bag and stuffing it full. "[A gear wheel clatters to the floor and rolls out from a gap between two machines.

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