do you need an ai on 200mg test per week

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This is the target estrogen sweet spot you want to shoot for to feel amazing and improve your quality of life substantially. 200mg Would I need an AI for a 300mg test cycle? Going to 1.0 ml COULD lead to thick blood and other bad side effects. Run that for 12 weeks and then PCT. On 200 mg a week of test-c you should not need an A.I. I administer every 3.5 days along with HCG @ 500iu each time. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As you titrate up your dose, monitor your side effects and add in the AI if needed. If you start to get too far below this level, you can start to experience symptoms of low Estrogen. Add a Comment. For me personally, 75mg twice weekly yielded a tT of 650 and E2 (sensitive) of 25. Archived post. But you for sure need to have an AI on hand just in case you Week 8-12: Anavar 50 mg per day. These bloods were taken with no AI. Testosterone Dosage For Bodybuilding | The Highest Dosage I Cookie Notice So, the key to staying in the sweet spot is getting your blood work done, and adjusting your AI dose accordingly based upon your current Aromatase Inhibitor needs. Agreed^^^When I just TRT of 200mg of test c a week, I need an AI. Hey guys, newbie to AAS here and wanted to run my cycle by you guys and see if you have any feedback or changes you would make. Even when I'm fatigued, I'm aware of it, but mentally, I can keep going. 200mg How much AI, if any on 200 mg/week? : r/Testosterone - Reddit This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Go onto Excelmale or the Heres an example of what Im talking about: Hey guys, newbie to AAS here and wanted to run my cycle by you guys and see if you have any feedback or changes you would make. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Is it safe to wait until sides develop before adding it? Not looking looking significant muscle gain, more interested in strength, slight increase in aggression, increase competitiveness, faster recovery, and overall athletic performance. Here are my starting and current numbers, Reference: Total T(348-1197) Free T(4.7-24.4) E2(25.8-60.7) SHBG(10-80), Starting 07/26: 543ng/dl 13.43ng/dl 43.2pg/ml 25nmol/L, Current 09/06: 1455ng/dl 47.41ng/dl 31.8pg/ml 19nmol/L. Appreciate any response. Best. For the most part, its been great. and our Long story short, you cant, unless you have been using the exact same compound for a very long period of time and have definitively concluded via blood work what dosage of that particular compound equates to a particular level of Estrogen aromatization in the body. Obviously the best way to confirm where your Estrogen levels lie though is via blood work. I used to be obese and I lost weight about 3 years ago and that's when my problems started. If you've read any of my posts about hormones, you probably already know by now how little faith I have in most general doctors when it comes to properly addressing underlying hormonal deficiencies and imbalances. The goal you should have is to keep your Estrogen between 20-30 pg/ml for the entirety of your cycle, regardless of what dosage of AI is necessary to achieve that. If I kept my AI dosage constant like that during a cycle (by cycle I mean a blast phase of a supraphysiological amount of highly aromatizing hormones), my experience would more than likely start out with me feeling symptoms of low estrogen, followed by symptoms of high estrogen later in the cycle once my level of aromatization had surpassed the inhibitory capacity of that particular dosage of AI. Primobolan Depot 101 and our Subscribe and get my 20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Wont Find On Google E-Book 100% FREE. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. No AI was needed what so ever. Then, after actually getting on TRT, another challenge often rears its ugly head, and that is Estrogen control, and how to go about doing it safely and most effectively. Aromatase Inhibitor (AI Here are my starting and current numbers Reference: Total T(348-1197) Free T(4.7-24.4) Why is 200 mg/wk the "upper limit" for TRT? - Excel Male TRT Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Your not a pro level figure competitor so most probably need to train normally. You could On 200 mg a week of test-c you should not need an A.I. I cant even count how many times Ive seen a guy propose his entire cycle layout asking for feedback, and for some strange reason his AI dose is already determined prior to the cycle, and stays constant for the entire duration of the cycle despite other changes in aromatizing compounds occurring during the cycle. Need help knowing whether i should take arimidex need some opinions on whether i should bulk or cut, 200mg of test for 8 to 12 weeks what do I need to take with it? I was told the body recognises steroids as if they're testosterone, so the body 'thinks' it has enough testosterone, so stops production. I wouldn't need that much of an Aromatase Inhibitor even if I was on 5x as much Testosterone as he is on per week. Low energy. Don't know what else to say.

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