divine comedy translation comparison
octubre 24, 2023The Divine Comedy is a fulcrum in Western history. Many have translated the work, and there are many ways to go about translating Dante. Out of the Fire. As a young man, Dante tried to woo a beautiful and devout Florentine girl of his own age. I really enjoy the extra insights I receive from his notes, summaries, and essays. Both translations by Rogers and Dayman, are kept in poem style. Sinclair's is a prose translation from the thirties. I believe there are many points on which Dante had disagreed with the Church teachings of his times. This provides the reader with the sounds of the original as well as Musa's translation, which captures the meaning but reads with a different spirit. Clive Jamess 2013Comedyuses quatrains and augmented quatrains as its building blocks, while Mary Jo Bangs 2012 translation of theInfernoin colloquial American English, carries elements of her own style, and is unrhymed. Looking specifically at Canto V, we will examine that there are different methods that go into translation, as seen in the translations by Charles Rogers (1782) and John Dayman (1865). Looking specifically at Canto V, we will examine that there are different methods that go into translation, as seen in the translations by Charles Rogers (1782) and John Dayman (1865). But Clive James is also a novelist, humorist, essayist, memoirist, and radio and television host who has been called his own one-man renaissance. The Best Books to Get Your Finances in Order, Books Based on Your Favorite Taylor Swift Era, Cook a Soul Food Holiday Meal With Rosie Mayes, Aug 01, 1995 by the love that moves the sun and the other stars. Rogers View all posts by Dave. By clicking SIGN UP,I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Penguin Random Houses, certain categories of personal information, discloses, sells, or shares certain personal information. They also both have good notes (a necessity). You dont need to know the background, backstory, allusions, sources. Right now I'm choosing between Ciardi, Mandelbaum and Hollander. I heard somebody say: "Watch where you step! On the 750th birthday of Dante Alighiericomposer of the dizzyingly epic medieval poem the Divine ComedyEnglish professor John Kleiner pointed to one way of helping undergraduate students understand the Italian poet's importance: an "obvious comparison" with Shakespeare. "Back in 1964, when we first knew each other in Florence, before we were married, there was a romantic scene by which she took me through the actual great love affair between Paolo and Francesca in Canto Five of 'Hell,' and showed me how the verse worked in Italian, because her Italian of course was perfect already and mine was rudimentary," he remembers. Her creative leap is to begin with the word stopped and end the third line with I was lost, emphasizing the predicament in the original and elaborating the image of the dark wood. I just saw the great discussion about the Iliad and I thought I'd ask my question about. It is widely considered the pre-eminent work in Italian literature and one of the greatest works of world literature. Report Accessibility Barrier or Although Roger chose to remain faithful to the source text, some lines were more poetically translated by Dayman. This format allows freedom to communicate the work without rhyme, yet maintains a metrical structure. By Paul Bruckman . It may also soften the oft repeated and harsh judgmenttraduttore, traditoreor translator, traitor.. The Divine Comedy is a 14th century poem that has never lost its edge. So, which translation should you read? And he said to me: "The whole shall be made known; And he: "All this will be made plain to you. When, out of nowhere, I heard: "Watch your step! He's seeking absolution, redemption and certainty. The Pinsky is usually (maybe exclusively) sold parallel to the original, so you'll get a sense of that as you go along. .. I really loved Robert Pinsky's translation of the Inferno, for readability. The Divine Comedy, Part 1: Hell (Penguin Classics) Paperback - June 30, 1950 by Dante Alighieri (Author), Dorothy L. Sayers (Translator, Introduction) 105 ratings See all formats and editions Paperback $16.00 Other new, used and collectible from $1.43 The first volume of Dante's Divine Comedy . Oct 19, 2015 at 21:03 . Exodus Books - Divine Comedy Comparisons Love absolves no beloved from loving, she explains, adding: Love brought us to one death. Thanks! Copyright 2023, Rutgers, The State University of With one deft allusion, one lyrical dance amid the ferocious winds in the Circle of the Lustful, Dante delivers a magnificent psychological portrait of Francescas path to damnation. But what makes this an interesting comparison is that Daymans translation maintains the terza rima, while Rogers does not. He did most of the translation work before becoming seriously ill, "but I could feel the end of my life coming. While it is true that Rogerss translation is more faithful from a structural standpoint there are some instances in which such an adherence forces other content-related translation loss which is not present in Nortons. (And wood is rhymed with rude at the end of the first line of the next stanza, so we know Sayers is attempting to replicate Dantes rhyme pattern ofaba,bcb,cdc, et cetera.). Provide Feedback Form. Fifteen translations of Dante compared | Boisterous beholding Her methodology comes from picking up a book of poems by Caroline Bergvall and reading Via (48 Dante Variations), a found poem, she writes, composed entirely of the first three lines of theInfernoculled from forty-seven translations archived in the British Library as of May 2000). Paolo and Francesca are technically together, as they whirl around like doves summoned by desire in Infernos punishing winds. List of Top Ten Best Dantes Divine Comedy Translation Top Picks 2023 It can be overwhelming to see so many versions all lined up, spine to spine, along a shelf in a literary bookstore, or to scroll through pages and pages of different editions online. Taking a look at two translations that are 120 years apart can shed light on some of the differences that translators have used when interpreting this famously complex and intricate text. Canto V is when Dante has descended into the second circle of hell. In truth, some of the most sublime moments in The Divine Comedy, indeed in all of literature, occur after Dante makes his way out of the Infernos desolation. Inferno, Canto I. A New Translation of Dante's 'Paradiso' - Books - New York Times Its not easy to break the code of The Divine Comedy, a work steeped in a medieval Christian vision that can cause readers like Victor Hugo to avert their eyes from its more celestial passages. Such an adoption would have given a modern reader a similar feel Dantes meter gives Italian readers. That's the version I read and those bleak covers, Barry Moser ink washes, were ubiquitous in freshmen dorms. Your purchase helps support NPR programming. .) that keeps the pattern going forward, naturally to the ear. The best translation I've found -- end to end -- is by John Ciardi. Divine Comedy (Longfellow 1867)/Volume 1/Canto 34 - Wikisource By clicking Sign Up, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Penguin Random House's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and understand that Penguin Random House collects certain categories of personal information for the purposes listed in that policy, discloses, sells, or shares certain personal information and retains personal information in accordance with the policy. And lo and behold, that's what we were doing. It brings together literary and theological expression, pagan and Christian, that came before it while also containing the DNA of the modern. Then one day, the young woman, Beatrice, in reaction to rumors of the poets increasingly worldly ways, refrained from the greeting, causing anguish in the young Dante. Theirs is the one that keeps coming up when looking for a good verse translation. "Which is that of the three books of the Comedy that's 'Hell,' 'Purgatory' and 'Heaven, 'Hell' is the most fascinating, in the first instance, 'cause it's full of action, it's got a huge three-headed dog, it's got a flying dragon, it's got men turning into snakes and vice versa, it's got centaurs beside a river of blood; you name it, 'Hell' has got it. Also included are forty-two drawings selected from Botticellis marvelous late-fifteenth-century series of illustrations.Translated in this edition by Allen Mandelbaum, The Divine Comedybegins in a shadowed forest on Good Friday in the year 1300. Just like a musical score to someone who cant read music. In theInferno, it is well known, Dante singled out corrupt leaders and political enemies, but the poem as a whole was actually inspired by unrequited love. To him in front the biting was as naught. Ultimately, its great to read a few and decide which version you like best, each has strengths and weaknesses. Nichols, Hollander and Sinclair are the best translations I have come across, They all combine accuracy with poetry and readability. New Jersey, Report Accessibility Barrier or These breathtaking lines conclude Dante's Divine Comedy, a 14,000-line epic written in 1321 on the state of the soul after death. A collection of 100 poems to be exact, one for each canto, some more sublime than others. But Hugos attack suggests the particular challenge in reading Dante, whose writing can seem remote and impenetrable to modern tastes. It is technically prose; however he decides to invoke quite a lot of poetic structure throughout the translation, such as, I understood that to such torment are condemned the carnal sinners Postponing the subject (as is done in the originals) is not normally allowed in English prose, thus lending to the fusion-like feeling of this translation. Even though The doctrine of Papal infallibility was defined dogmatically in the First Vatican Council . During one Spirit was relating this, What's the Best Way to Read the Divine Comedy If You Don't Know Italian Dante uses a complex rhyme scheme, called the terza rima, which is were there are stanzas of three lines that contain interlocking rhymes at the end of each line; the rhyme pattern follows: ABA-BCB-CDC. Pinsky does leave you hanging after the Inferno, though. The translation is so similar, the result is a palimpsest, two works, one on top of the other, an original and a performance, difficult to tell apart. Seeing translation in this light, may help decide which Dante to read. Not only are constant rhymes difficult to translate, but Dante also uses rich and ambiguous language in his poems. | ISBN 9780679433132
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