dan carlin blueprint for armageddon 4

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Sarajevo is slavic and should be part of at least a pan slavic country or me, You know concern with many of these nationalistic questions, who should only these areas and it's been in the hands of the Ottoman Turks who the Slavs death, mentally feel shouldn't have been running the place and it was transferred to the hands of the Austro hungarian Empire, which the serb Nationalists still don't feel should be running the place. Both sides in the US civil war used, but about one thousand, two hundred pound cannon. It involved. German army. Belgium, like a shooting war breaks out between a couple of, thing, one of the gangsters does is turn to the side and kills an innocent bystander because they're standing in their way, that's a little like what this is portrayed as by you know. My little band is seen in a different light as pioneer patriots. I thought about this when I was thinking about yeah. These are essentially naval guns in size. But here's the thing, the charge of the light brigade. They expected some sort of romantic kind of war, even if it was dangerous. If you look at it from above ground, you can barely tell there's a fourth there when in, underground in a massive concrete and you know little railroads underneath moving guns and ammunition around it's gets cool stuff in the way the belgian designer who was one of the best in the world built this just to, we took advantage of the natural River and the. Tion of armies and masses provoked by sheer desperation, Street in commerce ending in general bankruptcy. Aug 17 2014 235 mins 4k 2 0. The Germans had been trying to plan for what they're going to do with the war. It might have occured to them men who, by the early 1960s, had grown up during and in the immediate years after the first World war. have gone to him and shown him the ramifications of. It's one of the fine things we have lossed as a result of the french revolution. the French had a different kind of society, one that was supposed to be run by the very you know: low born people. would have found a way to avert in what ended. And the bell, I have designed specifically to take these fortune. Add to cart. Also available in the iTunes Store. What's interesting is you could conceivably put the name down of somebody who was historically speaking, you and nobody. The first World war has so much written about it that you can cherry pick from this or that source and create any sort of impression you want. Hardcore History Excerpt: Blueprint for Armageddon - YouTube There were also numerous rapes in occupied France and Quote John Keegan, about. news doesn't detonate until the next car. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs . It's going to depend on what happens. He kept negotiating with Britain saying you know you do. I'm sorry. No, where is that more on display in evident than in artillery, which, one years ago, during Napoleon's time was already what Napoleon thought decided battles. I do not know, but now, twenty six hours, the gray Army has rumbled by with the mystery of fog and the pertinacity of a steamroller. Well, that's going on the Belgians are building underground, forts. places like Sarajevo had not been Austro hungarian. The second wouldn't have gotten anywhere near it, and yet he's the Guy. I just quoted a guy named VON Moltke will have, change the way that the german war game system works before the first World WAR and he will, to put his foot down and take a career risking, moved and tell, Kaiser that no longer can they keep up with their tradition that whatever side the Kaiser is commanding in the german National WAR Games has to win. it looks like the whole days been a failure. The French are sure the British are going to abandon them. What came after, and twenty four hours later is still coming. Stephanie Avant What's more that. Ready to shoot up german March columns, those if they're not taken before the big March starts. U S, public figure! Two people, in the city of Sarajevo. Keep the Russians happy. advancing german armies executed civilians, including women and priests. We ask, go to dancarlin dot com for information on how to donate, to the show get their first assist with the mostest I, during the editing process. There were, european observers, for example at the American civil war. And now the situation in Austria boils over and the. Hardcore History Blueprint For Armageddon with graphics with the nation over their border, fermenting revolution in their country and events, killing their public figures I mean. and in London, the financial capital of the World, Lloyd, George's hearing from all the bankers and all the investors and all these people that this is a crisis. Sometimes you had shells that you could shoot, into the air that would illuminate the night sky and you have to imagine bunches of those shells going off. Many of their contemporaries wish they'd die faster. You know maybe just be in the right place when the archduke, come by again, perhaps on his way out of town. Came in with the smoke pouring from cook stoves on wheels and in an hour had set up post office wagons from Witch mountain messengers, galloped along the line of columns, distributing letters and it which soldiers posted picture postcards the infantry he writes, came in files of five two hundred men to each company, the, answers in columns of four with not a pennant missing the, firing guns and field pieces were one hour at a time in passing each gun, The technician wagon taking twenty seconds in which to pass the men of, Infantry saying Fatherland, my fatherland between. Now in, to maintain these armies. What really happened just like it isn't so important whether or not Oswald was working for the Soviet Union. historians again. in one thousand. second chance to go after their target, and we sometimes for, because it's such a monumental historical moment that this is, terrorist attack, and it was quite upsetting, to your witness or live through part of what, x. Regis Gamble right to invade Russia. What does it do that? That will happen. They have an understanding with France, there was a lot of talk in Britain about do we or don't we get involved in this whole thing. could survive on a modern battlefield and, of course, the battlefield that Nathan Bedford Forrest was. You in this conflict, it's about to come out. And that something would come back to haunt the Germans in ways that they almost seem ignorant of again in a week or did Hitler earlier about propaganda. putting a road block in his way and guaranteeing the independence of Poland, Ignore that guarantee, when into Poland and Britain's in the war in the first World WAR, the same thing is happening with Belgium. There's never been a human experience like it and it changes a generation. Writes quote. It held the mystery and menace of fog rolling toward you across the sea. Alan public opinion, almost overnight on a dime, as the british Prime Minister Herbert ask. use this war issue you not to topple the government. Fourth, don't hold up, something we learn very soon in this story, but in, 1880s. force at this kind of level and potency hasn't been on display in anyone's living memory, You're getting a view of a nation at war. G.J. The entire french outlook on war right now is, keep this idea that you attack and you attack with the band that doesn't really mean you're, going to. Only after penetration of the forge protective skin fell. we'll demonstration of how this stuff can be used is lacking, and the military powers of the world. He neutralized Russia. The French are so worried about falling into a trap like that they pull the, unprecedented move of all time and on the, the war hold their military forces six miles back from the border. You, like a man still walking about the world, unaware that he is contracted a fatal disease which will alter every routine and habit in his life, people went on with their summer holidays shops reassured their customers with the announcement business. their eardrums and potentially worse than that. It's just got to be this unbelievable chaotic mess in the dark, and this one general has grabbed this unit and is and is heading toward the city of Leon. The Germans went in and did a bunch of things in Belgium that make him look bad, because they were bad, and then the foreign media, like the British, were fantastic at this. Thanks for sure this whole idea of frightfulness in order to cow, you know the people. It is guaranteed by the greatest powers of the age. You can buy a gift card for this item! virtual during his life had famously said. The british situation was fundamentally different. It's a very modern way to use cavalry and and really the only way. By taking, things that were real facts and blowing them up to levels that just incense. warfare was one of the loftiest achievements of the 18th century. Dan! This is a base, is of the name he is making for himself will be in a position that some historians will call the. The german army in the Second World WAR is that countries, The very ferocity in the scariness of this Kaiser right german army worked against, at the beginning of the war in a way that heard it through, history of the war- and I think long afterwards helped establish this german reputation as sort. What did people think that meant. this new deadly machine that the napoleonic wars in the french revolution created was the. the crew for these largest guns and it's like a couple hundred guys. He talks about art. Half of hte Cast of Blueprint for Armageddon in One Photo

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